The couple who travel fast are always adding drama to themselves

Chapter 133 The Buddhist Maid Is Too Calm 4.30

Chapter 133 The Buddhist Maid Is Too Calm 4.30
After Yan Ning went out, Jin Haonan looked at Li Qingping who was lying on the bed with a cold expression.

Looking at each other, Li Qingping shuddered subconsciously as he looked at the man's black eyes without any emotional fluctuations.

Thinking of Yan Ning's calm apricot eyes when looking at people, Li Qingping sternly closed his eyes.

Is this the so-called husband and wife phase?
When Li Qingping was relying on divergent thinking to ease the fear of facing the famous pervert in the history books alone, Jin Haonan asked in a cold tone: "What do you want to tell me?"

Hearing this, Li Qingping instantly opened his eyes.

Looking at Jin Haonan, a lot of words were suffocating in his stomach, Li Qingping, who didn't know how to say it, took a deep breath.

Seeing the blood on his body from the corner of his eye, Li Qingping thought that he had already entered the countdown of his life, and with a bald mouth, he said the first words since Yan Ning left.

"The landlord Jin should already know that Yan Ning and I are not from this era, right?"

Not from this era?

Listening to the loopholes in Li Qingping's words, Jin Haonan, who always thought that Yan Ning was from another world, narrowed his eyes slightly.

He looked at Li Qingping and said nothing.

Li Qingping took his calm look as a sign that he already knew about the matter.

Thinking of this, Li Qingping swallowed nervously.

He was sure that Yan Ning hadn't told Jin Haonan where the two of them were from.

So, based on the known information, Jin Haonan deduced the origin of him and Yan Ning?


Under Jin Haonan's gaze, Li Qingping's Adam's apple rolled uncontrollably.

Li Qingping is very fortunate now.

Fortunately, he didn't have too much contact with this man.

If he had been like Yan Ning and stayed with this pervert who was famous in the history books all day long, then he would have stripped away all the secrets in him.

Looking at Li Qingping whose eyes were a little distracted, Jin Haonan raised his eyebrows, "You left me alone just to tell me this?"

"Hehe~" Li Qingping grinned.

"Sorry, I tend to think wildly when I'm nervous."

Jin Haonan didn't say anything, he waited for his next words.

Jin Haonan had a hunch that maybe through Li Qingping today, he could figure out all the secrets about Yan Ning.

"Since you already know the origins of the two of us, I'll say it straight."

"When Yan Ning and I came to this era, we had a mission on our backs."

"From the moment we came to this era, if we don't complete the task within 20 years, we will die.

After we die, all the things we have done in this era will be erased by this world; even, after our mission fails, this era will not leave the slightest trace of our existence. "

Undoubtedly, this passage was a blockbuster to Jin Haonan.

Seeing the man whose expression instantly became ferocious after hearing these words, Li Qingping was still taken aback even though he was already mentally prepared.

"Are you lying to me?" Jin Haonan paused every word.

Under the oppression of the man's powerful momentum, Li Qingping shook his head with difficulty.

"I poof—"

Li Qingping raised his hand to wipe away the blood from the corner of his mouth, he gasped and said, "What I'm telling is the truth."

"Yan Ning should know about this, if you don't believe me, you can ask her."

No matter from Li Qingping's expression or his demeanor, Jin Haonan didn't see any trace of him lying.

But it was because he saw this that Jin Haonan felt even more angry.

He took a deep breath to suppress the anger in his heart.

"What is your mission?" Jin Haonan asked through gritted teeth.

20 years?
People who practice martial arts have always been physically strong, and if there are no accidents, they can generally live to be about a hundred years old.

Twenty years later, his life is only half over.

He absolutely could not accept the fact that she would not exist in the second half of his life.

Even, just imagine a little bit, he has an urge to destroy the world.

Therefore, no matter what, he must help Yan Ning complete their mission.

"Help the First Emperor Yuan Xun unify the mainland of Kyushu."

Hearing this, Jin Haonan let out a light sigh.

Thinking of Yan Ning who only tentatively mentioned this matter once in front of him, Jin Haonan pursed his lips tightly.

Did Yan Ning feel that between money, power and her, he would choose the former without hesitation, so did she not talk about it again after that?

Is he so unworthy of her trust?
Seeing Jin Haonan's injured appearance, Li Qingping, whose IQ and EQ were rarely online at the same time, said, "Yan Ning probably did it for your own good, and didn't want you to suffer any loss, so I didn't tell you about it."

Hearing this, Jin Haonan glanced at Li Qingping.

Li Qingping twitched the corner of his mouth.

After being silent for a while, looking at Li Qingping whose face was getting paler and paler, Jin Haonan suddenly asked, "Is there no way for people of different ages to have children?"


Li Qingping looked dumbfounded at the man who suddenly asked this sentence.

"This one……"

Li Qingping feels that this question is even more difficult to answer than the question of 'which came first, the chicken or the egg'.

Thinking of this, he said cautiously: "I don't know either."

"But, shouldn't it be possible?"

after all……

The people in the future and the present have children or something, and imagining that kind of scene, Li Qingping feels that his three views are a bit broken.

Looking at Li Qingping with a blank face, Jin Haonan skipped this topic.

"If your task is completed within 20 years, Yan Ning won't have... an accident."

Hearing this, Li Qingping, who understood his subtext, nodded heavily, "Yeah, you're right."

Li Qingping believed that as long as the man in front of him made a move, he would definitely be able to return to modern times.

Looking at Li Qingping whose eyes were a little brighter than the sky outside, Jin Haonan's eyes sank when he thought of what he had just said to Yan Ning that he couldn't understand at all.

"I can help you complete this task, but you have to promise me a few things."

He, Jin Haonan, is not only a businessman, but also a businessman who has never traded at a loss.

"Okay, no problem." Li Qingping responded very readily.

Not to mention a few things, as long as he can go back, even if it is dozens or hundreds of things, he will agree.

Looking at the man with the two big characters 'Liberation' written all over his face, Jin Haonan showed his signature smile when he was doing business.

"Li Qingping, I want your Strange Pavilion."

"no problem."

"After your mission is completed, I hope you can... completely disappear from Yan Ning's world."


(End of this chapter)

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