The couple who travel fast are always adding drama to themselves

Chapter 120 The Buddhist Maid Is Too Calm 4.17

Chapter 120 The Buddhist Maid Is Too Calm 4.17
"Hiss~ It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, uncle, you should be gentle..."

"Ouch!!! Ancestor, please be gentle~"

Before Yan Ning entered the door, she heard Li Qingping's wailing. Hearing the screams in the room, Yan Ning looked up at the man beside her.

Jin Haonan gave her an innocent look back.

"Young man, I haven't even finished spreading the medicine for the golden sore, and you're screaming like this. You can't bear it anymore!"

"Genius doctor, hiss~~, this is meat, not dough, be gentle when you strike!"


"Stop swaying. If you keep swaying, all the medicine you just sprayed on your back will be shaken off."


This angry cry successfully made Yan Ning stop.

Yan Ning turned her head and looked at Jin Haonan.

Jin Haonan smiled and said, "You, a fellow countryman, are not very generous."

Yan Ning rolled her eyes.

Jin Haonan coughed, "Really, I won't lie to you. When I first took over Tiandilou, I was injured almost every day. The injuries I suffered at that time were much more serious than this injury on his body..."

"You think everyone is like you, who stuck a poisonous arrow in his heart and didn't say a word when he pulled it out."

Before Jin Haonan finished speaking, he was retorted by the old man in the room.

Hearing the movement in the room, Jin Haonan didn't say anything, he pulled Yan Ning back into the place where Miracle Doctor Fu lived.

After Yan Ning entered the room, she found that Li Qingping's wounds had been bandaged.

"Hi~" Li Qingping, who was lying on the bed, weakly greeted Yan Ning.

Yan Ning nodded slightly, then turned to look at the old man sitting beside the bed.

Looking at the pale Li Qingping and thinking of his scream just now, Yan Ning swallowed.

"Doctor, how is he now?" Yan Ning asked cautiously.

"No big deal."

Doctor Fu stroked his beard and said, "Just apply my homemade golden sore medicine on it for three to five days. I guarantee that there won't even be a scar left after the wound on his body heals."

Hearing this, Yan Ning let out a cry.

"How does Pavilion Master Li feel now?"

Seeing the man who pretended to care about him, Li Qingping chuckled, "Fortunately, I can't die for the time being."


"Ah, it hurts..."

Seeing Li Qingping screaming, Doctor Fu slapped him again mercilessly and let out a light tut.

"Look at your delicate skin and tender flesh, you look like a little girl, isn't it just a little injury, what's there to call it?"

Facing Doctor Fu who looked at him with disgust, Li Qingping sniffed with tears in his eyes when he thought of his identity.

In the future, if anyone tells him that the number one genius doctor in the world is very kind, he will kill him!

"Three children."

San'er, who was called by Qingzi to help Doctor Fu, heard Jin Haonan's cry and quickly stopped what he was doing.


Jin Haonan tapped Li Qingping lying on the bed with his chin.

"The wound on your master's body has been bandaged, you go and help him put on his clothes."

Hearing this, several people in the room looked at Jin Haonan at the same time.

Seeing Jin Haonan's determined face, thinking of the description in the history books about this wise man who was close to a demon and the words of his predecessors, Li Qingping's forehead broke out in a fine layer of sweat.

Dealing with this kind of man is really life-threatening.

"San'er, don't you hurry up and help?"

Hearing Jin Haonan's words, San'er didn't move.

Before Jin Haonan said this a third time, Li Qingping smiled wryly and raised his hand to wipe his face.

Eyes flicked between Jin Haonan, who didn't seem to know what shocking words he had dropped, and Li Qingping, who was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat, Yan Ning blinked her almond eyes half-understanding.

"Come and help." Li Qingping waved to San'er.

San'er said yes, and then came to the bedside in silence.

Seeing the different expressions of the people present, Doctor Fu stroked his white beard and shook his head.

"Old, old."

With that said, Miracle Doctor Fu got up first and walked out the door.

As an old man, he will not interfere with the affairs of these young people.

Jin Haonan hugged Yan Ning's shoulder and said softly, "Let's go, let's go out and wait for them."

When Yan Ning came out of the room, she thoughtfully closed the door for Li Qingping.

"When did you know that the boy next to you was from Qiji Pavilion?" Yan Ning looked at Jin Haonan curiously.

"Well. Master only knows that San'er is not from Master."

When he said this, Jin Haonan looked around casually.

"Actually, I just deceived him."

Having said this, under Yan Ning's gaze, Jin Haonan shook his head regretfully, "I didn't expect him to be fooled so easily."

Yan Ning: "…………"

Yan Ning didn't know whether she should sigh at the unexpected fact that San'er is also a simulated robot, or at the man's keen observation ability.

Thanks to the bug that was thrown outside just before entering the door, Li Qingping, who successfully heard Jin Haonan's words: "..."

Li Qingping tried his best to swallow the sweet taste in his throat.

San'er was finally sent to Jin Haonan after the time travel senior lost several of his confidants.

In order to send the only simulated robot with a nano-listener installed on his body to Jin Haonan, the time-traveling senior not only put great effort into changing San'er's face, but also adjusted San'er's character according to the intelligence collected from wild history. Jin Haonan’s favorite kind...

I didn't expect that this chess piece that hadn't played any role would be so easily discarded!

The word regret is no longer enough to express Li Qingping's current mood.

Li Qingping took a deep breath and slowly calmed down his breathing.

No wonder the time-traveling senior warned him before he died, try not to deal with Jin Haonan if you can.

It was only a matter of meeting each other, and the chess pieces they buried would be useless, and Li Qingping felt that he probably had to hand over all his old secrets after a few more visits.

Thinking of this, Li Qingping rolled his eyes.

He decided that from now on, he would leave all tasks related to Jin Haonan to Yan Ning, a fellow!
Thinking of Yan Ning, Li Qingping finally felt better.

He raised his hand and touched his right ear, which was covered with earphones.

Listening to the low voices of Jin Haonan and Yan Ning talking inside, Li Qingping curled his lips with some pride.

Jin Haonan.

Reciting the name silently in his mind, with the tip of his tongue touching the roof of his mouth, Li Qingping clicked his tongue.

No matter how keen your observation skills are, you have fallen into the hands of my companion!
No matter how smart you are, it doesn't matter, you were defeated by someone who came out of the training camp like me!
Sure enough...

It is difficult for a hero to be a beauty, but the ancients sincerely do not deceive me!
(End of this chapter)

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