Chapter 4
Lingwu Mountain Waterfall looks like floating clouds hanging high in the air from a distance, and it is very elegant. If you look closely, it is indeed a silver waterfall that sprays pearls and jade, which makes people tremble.

But in such a dangerous place, there is a woman in white sitting quietly beside her, and the water mist has never been contaminated.

The woman looked only twenty-seven years old, but she was indeed beautiful and beautiful, and she was as demure and indifferent as the slowly flowing autumn water just sitting quietly like this.

After a long time, the woman's eyes opened slightly, and her breath suddenly changed, like the slightly steep spring breeze in the mountains, making people feel cold and cold at a glance.

The woman got up and stood beside the waterfall, seeing the water curtain hanging high like smoke and mist, she suddenly smiled.Suddenly, as if the spring breeze melted the snow, it was heart-pounding.

This girl was none other than Xia Qinghe. The years in the mountains had passed quickly, and she had grown from a seven-year-old child into an alluring young girl with a graceful body.

Xia Qinghe glanced at the sky, and walked lightly towards the forest with lotus steps.There are spirit beasts in the forest looking for food, seeing Xia Qinghe approaching slowly, suddenly dropping the food and running away, the terrified appearance is surprising.

But Xia Qinghe's complexion is as usual. There is no way that in the past seven years, she has been thrown into the forest hundreds of times by her master. From being besieged at the beginning to being able to pick up a group of beasts alone in the end, this spirit in the forest has never been bullied by her. Beasts are few and far between.

Therefore, every time these spirit beasts saw her entering the forest, not only did they not stop her, but they ran away as fast as they could.

In the forest, Xia Qinghe moved his footsteps lightly, his movements seemed to be slow, but he was out of the forest for tens of miles in just a moment.

After leaving the forest, he walked a few steps to an open space, then Qinghe walked forward a few steps with extremely strange and messy steps, and then appeared in the bamboo house.

Over the years, although she has focused on cultivation and alchemy, she has dabbled in formations and weapon refining. Although she is not proficient, it is more than enough to jump over this small hidden formation.

As soon as I entered the bamboo house, I saw the master sitting quietly and playing chess alone. There was a cup of green tea next to the chessboard.

In the morning, the sun comes in and pours on the fragrance of tea, warming the room.Sitting in it, you will feel that the time is quiet, peaceful and peaceful.

Seeing this, Xia Qinghe smiled slightly, and the cold aura around him dissipated a little. He sat casually on a bamboo chair without making a sound, just watching the master playing alone.

After a long time, the word was settled, and.

The old man Tianqing looked up at Xia Qinghe: "Master will leave tomorrow, you are now a fifth-level spiritual sect, and you have Liangyi Jue and Qianyin flute by your side, you can also go down the mountain to experience it."

"Okay", Xia Qinghe nodded, it's not surprising that she already knew that Master was leaving.

When she was four years old, her master told her that he lived because of a strange fruit in the depths of Lingwu Mountain. Now ten years have passed, and tomorrow will be the day when the strange fruit will ripen. After picking it, the master will definitely leave.

The reason why she wants to go down is because Lingwu Mountain is the largest mountain in Xize Kingdom, and there are many spirit beasts and treasures inside, but after seven years of experience, she has never stepped into the deepest part, and she is already familiar with the rest of the place. For experience, you can also visit Yunhuang Continent to improve your cultivation and temper your state of mind.

The old man Tianqing glanced at Xia Qinghe, and sighed slightly in his heart. This child has been intelligent and rational since he was a child, and he is extremely talented. Now he is even a 14-year-old fifth-rank alchemist.

With her appearance, it is only a matter of time before she enters that world.

Thinking of this, the old man Tianqing took out a storage ring and said, "There are some high-grade spirit stones and a letter inside. You can use the spirit stones. As for the letter, you can open it after you break through to the seventh-level spirit king."

Xia Qinghe took the bracelet without asking any further questions, she believed that Master naturally had his reasons.

next morning
Xia Qinghe was still practicing beside the waterfall. After a long time, Xia Qinghe got up and looked at the waterfall that had accompanied her for seven years, and sighed in her heart.

Thinking of myself practicing beside the waterfall when I was six years old, from the beginning when I was so noisy by the sound of the waterfall that it was hard to calm down, now I can still calm down when all the sounds are heard.

It can be said that her cold, calm and decisive personality is formed because she practiced beside the waterfall every day and fought with spirit beasts in the mountains.

Here, the old man Tianqing stepped into the depths of Lingwu Mountain, where the white mist was so thick that it was difficult to see, and there was an unending soul-eating forest entrenched that feeds on human souls.

The old man Tianqing frowned. He had just arrived here 14 years ago, and he found something different here. It is strange that his cultivation base should be able to come and go freely on this continent, but it is often restrained here.

Thinking of the accelerated pace of Tianqing old man's feet this day, it's really not suitable to stay here because of the weirdness everywhere.

After a long while, the old man Tianqing stopped in front of a tree. The branches and leaves of this tree were curly, and the whole body was emerald green, hidden in the thick white mist, showing a bit of strangeness.

But the old man Tianqing was staring at the only fruit on this tree - Shen Lingguo.

Shen Lingguo has always been born only in the cold place in the mountains, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth as nourishment, and it takes a hundred years for a tree to bear one fruit. Regardless of its effect of gathering spirits and improving cultivation, just judging from its growth, It is enough to reflect its own rarity.

Looking at the Shen Lingguo on the tree, the old man Tianqing did not move.

An hour later, the old man who was originally standing still and Tianqing suddenly rose into the air, his hands slightly opened, and his target was the newly ripe Shen Lingguo.

However, although old man Tianqing's movements were sudden, his speed was indeed much slower than before, and if you looked closely, you would find that old man Tianqing was looking around, his body was tense, and he was in a defensive posture.

In the next moment, a sudden change occurred, and the originally quietly curled branches and leaves suddenly opened, revealing the deep red blood inside, and attacked the old man Tianqing.

The old man Tianqing opened his eyes slightly, then retreated suddenly, then charged forward with both hands, and shouted: "Mie"!
The branches and leaves that were attacking stopped for a while, and they were a little sluggish. At this moment, the old man Tianqing made a sudden move and took the Shen Lingguo straight.

The old man Tianqing frowned, not wanting to get too entangled with him, he quickened his steps and ran out.

Different from the eagerness of the old man Tianqing, after Xia Qinghe got up beside the waterfall to meditate, he did not go straight down the mountain, but entered the space instead.

Over the years, she has not often entered the space. To her, the space is just a means of life-saving. It is better to practice outside.

The purpose of entering the space this time is to refine the medicine to cover up the cinnabar mole between her eyebrows. The master has told her that the cinnabar between her eyebrows is strange, not natural,

In the past, it was difficult for people inside and outside Lingwu Mountain to get in, so it didn't matter if the cinnabar didn't cover it up. Now that I'm going down the mountain, although I'm not afraid of being seen by others, I still don't want to cause trouble for nothing.

Xia Qinghe looked at the medicinal materials in the alchemy room, moved his hands slightly, and a cluster of flames appeared out of thin air, and then the medicinal materials that were originally arranged neatly flew into the air and flew in the direction of the flames.

If there is an alchemist here, he will be surprised that he wants to refine medicine out of thin air.

You know, there are people who have been able to make alchemy out of thin air for hundreds of millions of years, but they are all alchemists who have reached the peak of alchemy. Xia Qinghe is just a young girl now, and it is really impressive to be able to make alchemy out of thin air. marvel.

And after a stick of incense, the medicinal materials roasted by the flames have turned into a puddle of liquid.

Seeing this, Xia Qinghe slightly opened his left hand and took out a white jade porcelain bottle, and then the liquid that had been condensed in mid-air fell into the porcelain bottle without any drop.

Magic face liquid into.Huanyan Liquid is derived from Huanyan Pill, a third-grade elixir. It is only a first-grade medicinal liquid. Although it is not as effective as Huanyan Pill, it is more than enough to hide the cinnabar between the eyebrows.

Xia Qinghe dipped his fingertips slightly, stroked between his eyebrows, and in the next moment, the cinnabar that was still red like blood on his eyebrows just now disappeared, leaving only the smooth and white jade skin.

Sensing the change between the eyebrows, Xia Qinghe raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a smile, although it was only a trace, it was like spring frost welcoming summer, dissipating a bit of the coldness, while the cinnabar between the eyebrows receded, although it was less enchanting and charming. It is also a little more beautiful and dusty.

However, the beautiful scenery was rare, and Xia Qinghe restrained himself as soon as he showed a smile.Then my heart moved, I left the space, and walked down the mountain.

 Down the mountain, isn't this plot very six?The heroine's study in these seven years will be interspersed in the future, and the cards will be revealed one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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