Chapter 90
At this moment, in France, which has a time difference of 6 hours with China, a heavy snowfall has just finished.The snowy yellow scene is covered on the French-style buildings, and the pointed roofs are like strange magic houses.

In one of the French-style romantic and luxurious mansions, the heating is extremely high. Through the foggy windows, one can see that Gu Cheng is standing next to the handrail in the middle of the stairs.Wearing yellow short sleeves and denim shorts, she looked youthful and smart, in stark contrast to the cleaners who were sweeping the road in heavy down jackets.

At this time, Gu Cheng was biting her thin red lips, her eyes were full of timidity and hesitation, her clean fingers without nails were uneasily picking at the handrail full of patterns, once and again.

In the lobby downstairs, sat the father and mother who came back rarely.Both of them are workaholics. They are usually on business trips in other places, wishing to divide one day into two days.So most of the time, this huge house is reserved for Gu Cheng and a 50-year-old French nanny.

Now, the parents finally came back, Gu Cheng was a little uneasy, thinking about how to speak for a while.If you don't make it clear about your return to China this time, you don't know when you will have to wait next time.

"Gu Cheng, what are you doing standing there stupidly?" Just when Gu Cheng was hesitating how to speak, Gu's mother spotted her first and waved to her, "Stop sticking there, come here."

Gu Cheng pursed her lips in embarrassment. Although she hadn't made up her mind yet, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and go down first.

But when Gu's parents saw Gu Cheng, their faces turned cold.

On a snowy day, looking at the girls all over the street, who still wears summer T-shirts and short skirts?But now, Gu Cheng's entire thighs are exposed. If you bend down and look from behind, you can still see Huang Huahua's upturned butt.

The more Gu's father looked at her, the more he disliked her, and he frowned displeasedly, "How decent is it to dress like this in winter!"

"That's right, don't you know how to wear a pair of trousers? What's so ugly about it? When you get older and get rheumatism, it's too late to regret it!" Mother Gu also scolded.

Gu Cheng was speechless and rolled her yellow eyes in her heart, thinking that there are too many clothes in winter, and there are too many stinky girls, what about it?I really can't stand their pedantic thinking.

Although he protested in his heart, on the surface, Gu Cheng pursed his lips, neither refuted nor argued, and let them criticize him without saying a word.

Mother Gu glared at her displeasedly, and said, "Look at your lazy look, how do you look like a lady? Hurry up and come here!"

Gu Cheng impatiently moved two steps, and was unwilling to go any further. Standing where she was, she said lazily, "Dad, Mom, I want to tell you one thing."

The parents of the Gu family looked at each other silently, wondering why this child has become so serious today?You must know that Gu Cheng is usually playful, except for spending time on dressing herself up all day long, she doesn't know anything else.

So, Father Gu raised his experienced and shrewd eyes, glanced at his daughter, and said meaningfully, "Speak, what do you want to say?"

Gu Cheng suddenly felt a little nervous, so she swallowed her saliva hard, rolled her throat slightly, and said hesitantly, "I, I want to go back to China."

What?Father Gu was taken aback for a moment, but immediately returned to normal, and said sternly, "No!"

"Why?" Gu Cheng said.

"Your mother and I arranged a blind date for you on the weekend, and you must go."

When Gu Cheng heard that he was going on a blind date, he sneered, his eyes turned green with anger, "A blind date again? You want me to go and talk to those old men who are over fifty years old? I won't go!"

When Gu's father heard these words, Huzi stood up with a stare, pointed at Gu Cheng's nose and reprimanded, "Is this the way you talk to the elders! No big or small, how decent!"

Gu's mother saw that Gu's father was blowing his beard and staring, and quickly interrupted, "Oh, what are you angry with the children? It's normal that young people don't like blind dates now."

"That's right!" Gu Cheng echoed, and continued, "I don't understand, why do you always let me go on a blind date? And Dad, you can judge by your own conscience, which time it is not some ugly old man who comes to a blind date with me. A man? Either divorced, or has an illegitimate child, or is very obscene, or has a lot of lovers outside, there is no normal person! Apart from a little money, what are the advantages?"

When Father Gu heard these words, he was about to throw a tantrum!He opened his eyes wide, pointed at Gu Cheng with trembling fingers, and roared, "What do you know, you!"

"Yes, I don't understand, and I don't want to understand! Anyway, I want to marry love! And to tell you the truth, this time I return to China, I just want to find Huang Jiange! I am his fiancée, I am his woman!" Gu Cheng is really not a smart person, and when his emotions were high, he explained everything.

Father Gu gave her a stern look!This glance was so ruthless that it stared at Gu Cheng with fear.

"I'll say it again, don't go!" Father Gu said firmly in shock.

"Why? I'm his fiancée, why can't I find him! And dad, you know he's married, but you still lied to me and made me wait for him for two years! You're too much! I think you just want to After two years, marry me to a random man?"

Father Gu was speechless for a moment.

Seeing that Gu Cheng was angry and wronged, the corners of his mouth twitched and trembled, "I don't care, anyway, I have already booked the flight ticket, even if you agree, I have to go back today, if you don't agree, I have to go back too! No one wants to stop me!"

"How dare you!!!" Father Gu was in a hurry, and with all his strength, he slapped his palm on the table!The water in the quilt instantly shook and splashed, and the entire glass coffee table shook three times.

Gu Cheng trembled in fright, after all, she had never seen her father really angry!Can't help but feel a little scared.

Mother Gu also had no choice but to sigh and said, "Son, don't be so stupid again! Mom will tell you the truth, in fact, Huang Jiange has already proposed to our family to regret the marriage! The marriage contract between our two families has long been reduced to one piece. Waste paper, so, you should die as soon as possible!"

Finally, Gu Cheng heard this fact with his own ears.She gritted her teeth, unable to accept it, trembling uncontrollably, "No, I don't believe it..."

"Wake up! Son!" Mother Gu continued, "The Huang family wants to rescind our engagement, and we have nothing to do. We dare not tell you if someone rescinds the engagement, just because we are afraid of affecting you! So, this matter between you two , Let’s forget it, don’t mention it in the future..."

But no matter what his parents said, Gu Cheng just shook his head in self-deception, "This is impossible!"

Suddenly, He Xuechu ran upstairs desperately, then opened the closet, and stuffed clothes one by one into the suitcase.She wants to go home, now!immediately!immediately!

It is definitely impossible to run under the eyes of her parents, so Gu Cheng just got angry and tidied up casually. At night, she still turned off the lights and went to sleep obediently.

When it was late at night, all the lights in the house were turned off, and at around one o'clock in the middle of the night, Gu Cheng tiptoedly turned on the flashlight of her phone.Then, taking advantage of the little light, she changed into warm clothes such as down jacket and cotton trousers, and went downstairs with a silent suitcase with light steps.

After finally arriving at the parking lot in the basement of the house, Gu Cheng found her own Maserati among more than 20 luxury cars belonging to her father. Then she got in the car, first turned on the heater, took off the down jacket, untied the scarf, and then manipulated it with both hands. Steering the steering wheel, stepping on the accelerator, making a right turn, the car smoothly drove out of the parking lot and onto the thick snow.

Just when Gu Cheng drove to the intersection, thinking that he was about to escape successfully, three or four black cars suddenly appeared from the left and right sides, blocking Gu Cheng's car in the middle of the road!

Oops!Gu Cheng thought about it, and quickly moved the car back, but the chassis of the car was too low, and the exhaust pipe was already clogged with snow, so it couldn't drive at all.

The people in the black car got out of the car neatly, all wearing black suits and sunglasses.

Gu Cheng rolled her yellow eyes. She wears sunglasses at night, so she's not afraid of getting shitted?

"Hurry up!" Gu Cheng stepped on the gas pedal eagerly, shifted gears eagerly, and was so anxious that she was about to fail, but the car just kept breaking down on the spot.

Then, Gu Cheng saw a classic car with bright yellow headlights on, and his father couldn't open his eyes at the street gangsters next to Gu Cheng's car.

Then Gu Cheng turned around and saw his father getting out of the car with a serious expression, followed by a few stout bodyguards, who looked quite majestic.

Gu Cheng got out of the car resentfully, pursed her mouth, thinking, she can catch all of this, she is really convinced.

Father Gu sternly yelled at Gu Cheng, "I knew you wouldn't be honest! Get in the car and go home!"

"I know, I know, it's really annoying." Gu Cheng rolled her yellow eyes, and walked slowly, reluctantly getting into her father's car.So, Gu Cheng fled for the first time, and was caught back in such a shameful manner.

After pulling the suitcase back to the room, Gu Cheng lay down on the bed in a bad mood. Her father stood outside the door and looked at her, shaking his head, with a disappointed tone, "Gu Cheng, you are in your twenties after all, you can't Being emotional like a child, there are many things, you should think about it yourself."

After finishing speaking, Father Gu sighed, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he said to the nanny behind him, "Lock her up, when she figures it out, when will she be released."

Hearing this, Gu Cheng suddenly turned around!It was found that the nanny was trying to close the door with a high-grade anti-theft lock.

"No, don't, don't lock it!" Gu Cheng immediately rushed to the door to stop it.Unfortunately, it was too late.The nanny closed the last gap in the door, and locked Gu Cheng's room firmly from the outside.

"What are you doing? Mom, mom, let me out, mom!" Gu Cheng was trapped in the room, slapping on the door excitedly, her hands hurt, but it was useless, Huang It's just a matter of effort.

When the paws got tired, Gu Cheng kicked her feet hard again and again until her toes became numb, and she yelled, "Let me out! Do you hear me? I want to get out! Mom, I beg you!" Now, you are also a woman, so please be considerate and considerate of me, let Dad open the door for me, Mom! Mom~! Huh...why are you so cruel? I just want to go back and find him! I just want to pursue happiness, Am I wrong?"

Gu Cheng cried while talking, "If I don't go back, he will grow old with other women, do you understand? If he gets better with others, I won't live! I won't live Already!"

Gu's mother stood outside the door and heard her daughter yelling and roaring inside. As a mother, she felt no less uncomfortable than Gu Cheng.However, in order to protect the overall situation, she had to be cruel.

So, Gu's mother's last voice came from outside the door, "Gu Cheng, it's not that Mom doesn't want to help you, but our family really can't afford to offend the Huang family! If because of your disturbance, our two families have a disagreement, and the company loses Huang's family. It would be a huge blow to mom, dad and the company if you are a big client like this! Don’t you want to see me and your dad get into trouble because of your sentimentality?"

Gu Cheng's hand was so red and swollen that he couldn't feel the pain anymore.After hearing what her mother said, she let go of her hand, and Gu Cheng sat on the ground weakly, with a tear rolling down her cheek, feeling a little desperate, "So, in your eyes, there is only money, right? In your eyes, my Happiness is not even as good as your single business, is it? Hehe, it's ridiculous that even the closest relatives are so realistic!"

As a mother, Gu's mother heard her daughter say these words with her own ears, no doubt like being stabbed into her heart again and again by a knife.However, as a mother, she must endure the pain and let Gu Cheng learn to grow up.

"Gu Cheng, I'm going on a business trip with your father soon, and I'll be back in half a month. At that time, I hope your mentality will improve, and you understand a truth. The world is not black or yellow. Loving someone is also a matter of life." You don’t have to get it. If you figure it out, come out again!”

While talking, Gu Cheng could no longer hear any movement outside, and everyone seemed to have left.

But after a while, Gu Cheng heard the sound of a car moving downstairs, she immediately ran to the window and opened the curtains, and saw her parents' off-road vehicle driving smoothly in the winter snow, while driving into the distance, it condensed into frost all the way .

The Gu family's parents are always like this, they leave as soon as they say, even if they give enough money, so what?Gu Cheng doesn't care about money, she only cares about love.What a pity, love is the rarest thing in this world.

It was March, and the weather seemed to be getting warmer a little bit. Passers-by on the road took off their down jackets and only wore some thin cotton coats.

Recently, Huang Jiange is relatively free. Occasionally, he goes to Xuege to see He Xuechu when he is free. Every time he goes, he brings snacks and other gift bags to all the staff in the office, so colleagues will be very excited when they see Huang Jiange.

"Boss Huang, are you coming to see your wife again?" Xue Ge's colleagues were very excited when they first saw Huang Jiange, after all, this is a legendary figure at the level of a big boss!Later, I saw it a lot, and I got used to it, and joked like ordinary friends, "Mr. Huang and the boss are really affectionate. If we don't see each other for a day, it's like three autumns!"

When He Xuechu heard this, her face turned red, and she jokingly said to her colleagues, "Look at you poor, hurry up, talk less and work more! Do you want to get paid?"

(End of this chapter)

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