The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 78 4 Corner Game (46)

Chapter 78 Four Corner Game (46)


Xiao Liu heard a violent crash coming from the other side of the wall.He was startled by the sound.

But Lei Ming, who was standing behind him, seemed to have known that there would be movement over there, so he just took a look and then looked away.

The master of this series of movements is the night.


After killing the two ghosts and saying those words, the person she was pointing at with the dagger suddenly laughed loudly.

She slowly came out from the corner, with long black hair, black eyes, and black clothes, except for the color of her own skin, everything was black.

Oh, and her dark, but strangely glowing eyes.

Watch her evening in this outfit: ?
Is she sick, or is there something wrong with her mind, is she dressed in black, is she going to attend someone's funeral?
Thinking of the night here, he suddenly thought of something looking at the two things lying at his feet just now.

Oh, I see.

It turned out that I knew in advance that my partner would die, so I wore all black to pay homage to them.

What a friendship.

At this time, Gu Xue didn't know what she was thinking at night. As a ghost, she could move freely in the dark, so she could naturally see things that ordinary people couldn't see clearly in the dark.

Like a black cat in the dark.

"How did you know it was me."

After walking out, Gu Xue looked at Ye Ye and said.

"..." Nonsense, besides you, have I seen any other ghosts here?
Of course not, and before the game started, the two of us had already met.

According to the nature of this game, the ghost I will face is nine out of ten, and if not 100%, it will definitely be you.

Although I'm not sure if the final boss is you, but just in case, let's get you first...

Just as she was thinking this at night, Gu Xue who was standing a certain distance from her suddenly disappeared from her sight.

When she disappeared, Ye Ye tightly held the dagger in her right hand, waiting for Gu Xue's next attack.

Concentrate all your attention and mental power at night to perceive the space and things around you.As long as there is any trouble around her, she will feel it immediately.

Three seconds had passed since Gu Xue disappeared.

At the end of three seconds, he suddenly opened his eyes, swung his right hand holding the dagger, and stabbed towards his front right.

The attacker knew that the night was going to stab in this direction, and if she stabbed, she would definitely suffer a certain amount of damage.So she immediately stopped her progress and quickly retreated.

After waving this action at night, she will start the next attack.

Because the range of swing is a bit large, coupled with the instant power, explosive power and sensitivity of ghosts, humans cannot compare.

So when Gu Xue launched her second consecutive attack, Ye Ye hadn't had time to adjust her posture for the next attack because her movements were too fast.So Ye Ye could calculate in her mind where the place where she would attack would be.

After calculating, she directly put the dagger in that position.

At night, I thought I could resist her attack a little bit, but what I didn't expect was...


Gu Xue's physical attack is very effective, even with the buffer of a dagger, it still doesn't work.

The strength and speed are proportional, and the attack effect brought by it is remarkable.

Night was hit by her attack directly on the wall behind her.


hurts a little.

(End of this chapter)

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