The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 69 4 Corner Game (37)

Chapter 69 Four Corner Game (37)

Hearing her trembling voice at night, looking at her, said with a sneer:

"So you're so afraid of me."

"It seems..."

"There's nothing scary about this game either."

The expression that was still joking a second ago has become cold and heartless in this second.

Ye Ye raised her right hand, and she felt something flowing in her body, and she concentrated what she felt on her raised right hand.When Gu Xue saw the appearance of her right hand, she showed a very frightened expression.

Gu Xue: That is!
Just when Gu Xue was surprised and the night attack was ready, she heard a voice from the horn hanging in the corner of the room:
"The contestants are invited to go to the lounge on the first floor at night to exchange information with the contestants."

In order to prevent the two people in the room from not hearing, the system repeated it twice.

After speaking for the third time, the system seemed to think of something, and added another sentence:
"A contestant, please follow the rules and don't make us work harder, thank you."

After saying this, there was no sound from the speaker.

Mr. Ray couldn't laugh anymore when he heard this passage: Hahaha...


The night when I was thinking about talking about my exclusive system, I heard laughter that I had never heard since he spoke, and the night followed him this time.

In the end, he put his right hand down at night, ignored Gu Xue who was standing on the bed, turned around and walked straight towards the door of the room.

Place your right hand on the doorknob, turn, pull down, and open the door.

Then walked out of the room.

night out of the room.After moving my body a little bit, I immediately walked in the direction of the lounge on the first floor that the system said in the speaker just now.

Gu Xue, who was in the room, watched the person in front of her leave under her nose openly. After three seconds, she questioned the loudspeaker in the room.

"May I ask, why do you want to do this?"

After she uttered these words, there were subtle voices coming from the originally silent speaker, but because the voice was too small and intermittent, Gu Xue couldn't hear it clearly.

While Gu Xue was anxiously waiting for what the system would say, she heard the system's voice coming from the speaker.

System: "Necessary to increase the excitement of the late game."

Gu Xue: "..."

You said to increase the stimulation behind, is it for the contestants or for me?

I must be the latter...

【Lounge on the first floor】

Night was the last person to reach the lounge, and she, who was in front of the door, put her hand on the doorknob and opened the door.

When she opened the door and entered, almost everyone in the lounge looked at her, except Lei Ming who was sitting in the last row resting with his eyes closed, and Xiao Liu who said he was in the middle, and who was standing on the podium. A mouse in an awkward position.

After seeing the door opened at night, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the mouse standing on the podium, and then looked at the friends around them.

Feeling something strange in the lounge at night, she didn't ask any questions, but closed the door and sat in the last row, because there was no one else in the last row except Lei Ming.And the last row is far from the penultimate row. I don't know if it is because of the thunder, but there is still a big distance in the middle.

Although he is a big boss, he is not something that can be provoked easily.

Both newbies and veterans agree on one point by default.

They estimated, no, for sure, the only person who can provoke Thunder in the main god game is only one——

Because it didn't go to the end just now, I yawned at night when I was a little tired physically and mentally.

Night: "Ha..."


(End of this chapter)

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