The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 64 4 Corner Game (32)

Chapter 64 Four Corner Game (32)


Slowly, gradually someone pushed open the door, rubbed their eyes and came to the hall to gather.

"Did you dream yesterday!" the tall and thin girl asked her friend next to her.

The chubby girl nodded, with a smile on her face, and said to her happily: "Yeah, I dreamed about my parents, really. Only now do I know how nice it is to see my parents."

"Me too, I really miss my mother's food," the thin and tall girl continued, "Although the cooking is not as delicious as the game, but even if it is unpalatable, it still tastes like home."

"I really want to eat it again."

In the corner, eavesdropping on their conversation at night, after hearing the content of the two girls' conversation, their eyes dimmed.

home. what is
For the night when there is no definition of home, this word is very strange, but the instinct of the body tells her that this word is not unfamiliar to her.

Before she lost her memory and came here.

She's in "home", their, everyone's "home".

Familiar and strange, peaceful and dangerous, warm and lonely "home".

In "home", there are her friends, family, and
Favorite person at this time.
——"Y Love."

As before, a memory and picture flowed into her mind in an instant.

In the picture, she closed her eyes and leaned back against a man.It was just a flashing picture, and at night, he could feel the smell of laundry detergent and a faint citrus scent from his clothes, as well as his intermittent, gentle voice.

who is it?

She kept asking again and again at night, but no one answered her.

She felt movement around her and the same smell as in the picture, so she subconsciously stretched out her right hand to grab the 'object'.

After grabbing the 'item', the body of the 'item' froze for a moment.

Every time there is a momentary picture and intermittent sound, her head will be extremely painful. At this time, she closes her eyes tightly, waiting for the picture to gradually pass, and then returns to normal after a while.

When the pain eased a lot and she slowly opened her eyes, she heard a boy's voice on her right:
"Is it enough?"

This voice is the same as the voice in the picture, except that it is less gentle.

Night raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

The expressionless Lei Ming was looking at her at this time, and after seeing her looking up at him, he then turned his gaze to the corner of the clothes she was pulling.

Following his gaze at night, I saw my right hand tightly pulling the corner of his black coat.


Seeing that she didn't respond, Lei Ming reminded: "Huh?"

At night, she turned her eyes back to Lei Ming, and after glancing at him, she let go of the right hand that was holding the hem of his clothes, turned and left without saying anything.

After she loosened the corner of her clothes, Lei Ming left the hall without looking back.

【Room 444】

Sitting on a chair at night, recalling what she did just now, she raised her right hand and placed it in front of her.She can still feel the fabric of his clothes just now at the fingers of her right hand, which is the same as hers.

At that time, she clearly caught the person in the picture, but she didn't expect to catch the facial paralyzed person.

Mr. Ray didn't reply to her after hearing her muttering voice in his heart, but complained in his heart: (Ye, don't forget, you also have facial paralysis!)

That taste must be him, but.
No matter from the sound or from various aspects, that person is definitely not him.

How can a person who is warm and sunny suddenly become cold and paralyzed?

That's what I thought in my heart at night.

After hearing her words, Mr. Ray could only sigh secretly.

(For you who don’t even know your own personality, it’s no different from him)

(End of this chapter)

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