The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 570 Dreams Come True - Thunder Chapter (34)

Chapter 570 Dreams Come True - Thunder (34)

Seeing Lei Ming's vigilance towards him, Ye laughed out loud.When he heard her laughing voice, Lei Ming became more vigilant.It was like a strange person standing in front of the little lion cub, and the little lion cub let out a low growl, trying to scare away the sudden person.

However, this person smiled.

Although Lei Ming wanted to attack her very much now, he did not forget what happened just now.After all, it was the first time that he was pressed down by someone, and the person in front of him seemed to be smiling and showing kindness to him.But as long as he attacks, this person will show coldness and subdue himself.

The room was full of tense atmosphere, just under this atmosphere, Ye broke the atmosphere by opening his mouth.

"If you want to ask me how I know you have a system and what the name of the system is."

"Then I can tell you clearly, the name of your system is"

Ye hadn't finished her sentence yet, she stopped speaking as if being stopped by someone, and Lei Ming didn't hear the second half of her sentence in the end.At this time, Ye was talking to her own system, because before that, an electronic screen appeared in front of her, which read:

[Please do not disclose other relevant information to the wrong personnel. 】

When Ye saw this sentence, he couldn't help but smile.Say she is an irrelevant person, if she is an irrelevant person, then how could you exist.

In her ear, a boy's voice comforted her: "Okay, okay, don't be angry, this system is saying this to not break the balance of the game. If it breaks, the world will make up for your vacancy." Change.If so, it will involve the future.
After listening to his words, Ye sighed helplessly: Alright, I see.

After a few seconds, Ye: But I really want to tell him that the name of his system is derived from
from my name
? : He will know later.

After hearing this sentence, Ye nodded.

Lei Ming watched Ye's expression change from angry to helpless, and finally to calm. He didn't know what Ye was thinking.

Ye looked up at Lei Ming who was sitting in front of her, and after seeing Lei Ming looking at her, she coughed to get Lei Ming's attention back.

After hearing the sound of Ye coughing, Lei Ming looked away in embarrassment. He felt that he looked at a girl like this. Although this girl's strength was much higher than his, it could be said that he couldn't treat this person as a woman. .And judging from her appearance age, it is very imaginable with her own age, but her temperament is indeed more mature than her own, and she looks like she has gone through some ordeal.

"Let's stop the topic just now. The current time room is one o'clock in the morning, and there are still five hours before the official end of the game."

"During these five hours, I will not attack you, you can continue to lie in bed and sleep, and I will disappear almost by the end of the first game."

Seeing that Lei Ming was still so vigilant towards him, Ye smiled helplessly:

"It's useless for you to be so vigilant against me. You can't defeat me. Don't forget what happened at the beginning."

"Okay, you go to sleep, and I will sleep for a while. I finally got rid of the death of revising the contract, and now I can finally take a rest. I will not let this time go."

Ye finished speaking, got up and walked to the opposite side of the bed, leaned against the wall, slid down and sat on the ground.She was not at all afraid that Lei Ming would attack her, so she swaggered and fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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