The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 556 Dreams Come True - Chapter 6 (20)

Chapter 556 Dreams Come True - Six People (20)

Lei Ming didn't pay attention to what the system said. He looked at the night sitting in front of him, trying to imagine her as the back figure in his dream.

much like...

But it's not like...

From the back in the dream, it can be felt that there are many burdens on his body, and there is a lot of pressure on him, but his weak body resists them all.

And at night...

Lei Ming lowered his head and thought for a while.She doesn't look like the kind of person who can bear heavy burdens. She looks like a child, challenging the limits of the system from time to time, and dying back and forth on the edge.

Even in this appearance, her strength is still very strong.Although she is not a veteran, and she is not considered a novice now, but she just stood there without making any movements, others.They thought she was the first to come in.

Even the first contestant to enter, apart from herself, there is no one who can compete with her.Her current strength even makes those veterans bow down.

Lei Ming didn't continue the analysis, it's better to just take a look at the person who keeps appearing in his dreams this evening.

I don't know who that person is.

Kind of looking forward to the game starting.

Because it is not yet 6 pm, it is still in the search phase.But there is nothing to search in these places at all, and the only thing that can be searched is one's own bedroom.But my own bedroom must have been searched by myself, and I will definitely not find any useful clues.

Just when everyone was at a loss, the sound of things colliding came from the hall.When hearing the sound, everyone looked vigilantly in the direction of the sound.Although it was not yet the time for the game to start, and there was still some time before the game officially started, they, especially Xia Xi and Shu Zimin looked at the place nervously, and no one dared to take a big breath.

Ye Ye and Lei Ming just glanced at that place, then turned their eyes back, as if the voice had never appeared before.

Except for them, the remaining four people kept staring in that direction.

At this moment, the system's forehead sounded suddenly, which startled the four of them, and only heard the system say: "Please rest assured, all contestants, just now is just to check everyone's vigilance, and will not pose any threat to you." , all contestants, please take a good rest and strive to win the first round of the game."

Upon hearing these words, the originally tense atmosphere suddenly sank.Xia Xi, Shu Zimin, Luo Chi, and Xun Qiu looked at the broadcast box installed in the corner of the hall, and now they had an urge to kill the system.They are obviously quite nervous now, they are all like this, and the system is still 'teasing' them like this, making them angry.

The four of them were angry and looked at the four of them at night. At this time, Lei Ming got up and left without saying anything, and returned to his room.And at night, after Lei Ming left, he also stood up, left the words "I'm going back to the room", and left the hall without looking back, and returned to his room.

The four of them watched Lei Ming and Ye Ye leave one after another. They glanced at each other, and then left the hall one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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