The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 551 Dreams Come True - Chapter 6 (15)

Chapter 551 Dreams Come True - Six People (15)

In another room, Lei Ming also smelled a strange smell in the air. Although this smell is very strange, it will make the body feel very relaxed.

But then the system said a word, although it didn't make him relax completely, but his vigilance was lowered a bit.

"Please rest assured, all contestants, the hypnotic incense in your room is good for your health."

So Lei Ming didn't pay attention to the scent anymore, but sat on the bed and prepared to rest.Although there was an hour, it was still too long for him.But it's not a bad thing, he plans to use this time to improve his strength.

Then the system sent him a sentence directly.

A particularly familiar electronic screen appeared in front of him, which read: Please prepare to rest and do not do other things.Penalties will be imposed if the requirements are violated.

Lei Ming, who saw the news, looked at the electronic screen expressionlessly: …

Well, the system just didn't let him practice, just let him have a good rest, so Lei Ming did as the system said, after all he didn't want to be punished.Although this punishment is not painful to him, he is particularly afraid that this punishment from the system will directly remove him from the game.

So Lei Ming, who was lying on the bed, closed his eyes helplessly. He didn't know if it was because of the hypnotic incense, but he also slowly fell asleep and entered a dream at the same time.

In his dream, he thought that he would meet that familiar figure again, but this time he didn't expect that besides that familiar figure, there were a lot of figures in front of him.

See the thunder of this scene:  …

What are these?What do these people have to do with me?Why are there so many people?who I am?where am I.

Lei Ming:? ? ?
After a moment of doubt, he also carefully looked at the backs of a lot of people in front of him.Most of the people in the back are boys, and one or two are girls.After counting that most of these figures were boys, Lei Ming was in a bad mood for a while.

Why are most of the figures from the back that appeared in his dream boys? Do these boys have anything to do with him?Why boys and not girls?

The frantic Lei Ming said, what do these people have to do with him! ?
But suddenly a white light pierced into his eyes, causing him to close his eyes blindfolded. When he opened them, the ceiling of the room came into view.

Lei Ming nodded.

Y: You didn’t look like this when you dreamed before, but this time it’s a dream.

Hearing what she said, Lei Ming recalled a scene in a dream, and then he couldn't help but feel a chill behind him, shivering.

It was really rare to see Lei Ming like this, which made her wonder what she was dreaming about in her dream.But he didn't ask again, this time Lei Ming rushed ahead of her and said:

"I dreamed of pushing people..."

After listening to what he said, Y couldn't understand why dreaming of a person would scare him so much.

Y: Isn't it just a bunch of people, what's wrong?
Thunder: ...

After a while, Lei Ming said slowly: Suddenly a group of people are standing in front of you, are you afraid?

At this time, Y said: What is so scary about you, you can be a big boss (||_)
(End of this chapter)

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