The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 544 Dreams Come True - Chapter 6 (08)

Chapter 544 Dreams Come True - Six People (08)

On their second day in the game, that is, the first day when the game officially started, at 2:1 in the morning, the system alarm went off. When they heard the alarm sound, everyone had a different feeling. reaction.

Xia Xi and Shu Zimin sat up from the bed immediately, as if they would be expelled in the next second, and flew back to the hall without even washing up.As for why they didn't change their clothes, it was because they were wearing ordinary clothes when they went to bed last night and didn't change their pajamas.

And Luo Chi and Xun Qiu were lost for a while, as if they hadn't woken up from their sleep, but they woke up soon, and immediately began to wash and dress, and came to the hall.

Ye Ye and Lei Ming stayed up until midnight because of the dream they had last night, but in the second half of the night they finally couldn't bear the sleepiness and fell asleep, and now it's only 1 minute before the countdown. Hall sit down.

And after all the people were gathered, the system did not appear, but breakfast appeared on their table, which seemed to be for them to have breakfast.

Although I ate a little last night, because yesterday was the first night, even if the game did not officially start last night, the body will still subconsciously tense up and consume some energy, so at this moment, the few of them, watching After the food arrived, my stomach was already growling.

After hearing the sound of his stomach growling, the four people except Ye Ye and Lei Ming began to eat. After Ye Ye glanced at the things on the table, he just picked up the cup of soy milk in front of him and drank it Didn't eat anything else.Lei Ming also drank the soya-bean milk like he did at night, but he took a bite of the egg, and while eating the egg, his brows frowned, as if there was something wrong with the egg.But looking at the way the other four people ate, they didn't seem to notice it.

A breakfast is over soon, and when there is no food and plates on the table, the table looks much tidier.At this moment, the system voice came to mind:

"Good morning, all contestants. The time is now eight o'clock, and then it's time for free activities. Please come to the hall to gather on time at twelve o'clock noon. If you delay, you will be removed from the system."

After speaking, it disappeared again.

Knowing that it was time for free activities, Ye Ye and Lei Ming didn't stay in the hall for half a second, and went straight up the stairs to the second floor.If it wasn't for last night's system threat that they'd be kicked out if they went ahead, they didn't investigate.Otherwise, the second floor would have been explored by the two of them long ago.

The two strongest people here left the hall one after another, and the remaining four people immediately reacted and followed them directly.Seeing that they were going to the second floor, Xia Xi and Shu Zimin stopped because yesterday they felt that they could not walk up this staircase, because no one knew what was waiting for them on this staircase.

Although Luo Chi and Xun Qiu hesitated, they walked up without hesitation when they saw Ye Ye and Lei Ming, and then followed suit.Although the two of them didn't know what was waiting for them above, they knew that following the two big men Ye Ye and Lei Ming must be right.

There is no doubt about this.

(End of this chapter)

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