The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 514 The Walking Dead - Thunder Night Chapter (280)

Chapter 514 The Walking Dead - Thunder Night (280)

When he heard the laughter of the night, Wu Jingyi was obviously very strange about the behavior of the night in front of him, because he thought that under the current situation, it was obvious that his own advantage was greater, and now she was at a disadvantage, but she could still Laughing out loud, really made him incomprehensible.

However, just when he ignored this behavior at night, and when he was about to change his magic skills to attack her, he found that he couldn't move his body, and he couldn't use his magic skills.

When he noticed this problem in himself, he looked down, only to find that his feet seemed to be frozen on the ground.When he saw this situation, he suddenly looked up at the night in front of him, terrified.

"what did you do to me!"

When he finished saying this, he looked up and down at the night standing in front of him again. It didn't matter if he looked at it, but it made him break out in a cold sweat.

Because he thought that there was not much magic power at night, but now it seems that the magic power she has now is much more than the magic power she can use for herself, and this is based on the fact that she has just cast a large-scale ice system after magic.

Just how powerful is this person, so powerful that after the large-scale magic was performed just now, there is still so much magic power.

And the figure of this person always felt like the person in his memory.

Of course, this is just his feeling, and he is not very sure, because he has not seen that person for a long time.He clearly remembered that when he saw her for the first time, he was attracted by her appearance and temperament, but that person was a high-ranking person who could be met but not sought after, so he could only peek silently from a distance.

But one day, she suddenly disappeared and disappeared from their sight. No one could find her, and everyone looked for her in all the places where she might appear like crazy, but they still found nothing.

And some people also became smarter and began to threaten the system, but the system would rather die than submit, no matter how it treated him, he never let go.

And that didn't stop them from looking for that person, and they're still looking for that person until now, even though they've all returned to their original jobs, because if they don't return to work, that person will come back and see this scene will be very sad of.

One day, their "King" will return.


And when his memories were over, his whole body was covered with layers of ice on the surface, and every time he took a breath, he could blow out some cold air. He felt that his body was getting colder and colder. In fact, the zombies were not He couldn't feel the temperature, but he didn't know why he could feel the cold temperature at this time.

"What have I done to you?"

When he heard him say this sentence, Ye Ye saw that the person who had just said this sentence before had been frozen by him, so he repeated the sentence he just said.

"Of course I attacked you before you attacked me. Didn't you see this obvious thing?"

"It seems that you are really a waste."

"This is still the final boss. I have always wondered if the system made a mistake in its judgment. You can still be called a boss at your level. It really makes me laugh."

I don't know how that guy is doing, whether he is working properly.

(End of this chapter)

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