The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 511 The Walking Dead - Thunder Night Chapter (277)

Chapter 511 The Walking Dead - Thunder Night (277)

You ask why they don't use swords?

That's because they are simply unusable.

Before Wu Jingyi picked up the microphone, the electronic screen of the system appeared in front of the two of them. After reading the above content, the faces of the two of them became darker than the other.If they have the authority to destroy the system, then they will not hesitate to press the destroy button.

This system really doesn't want the two of them to complete this task!Such a content request was issued.

[Participants please note at night, in the next mission, you cannot use any weapons, such as swords and daggers.Only use on-site supplies and available resources, such as knives, forks and plates on the table, or other things that are available.As long as it's not something other than here. 】

Even though I have seen a lot of thunder in the market, when I saw this, I wanted to curse, and my mentality collapsed completely.And the eyes at this time in the night can directly kill the system.

And the system seemed to sense the current state of the two of them. If he didn't do something to supplement it, then these two people would definitely take revenge on him as soon as they returned to the rest area.In order to prevent such a thing from happening, he sent another message to the two of them.

They were already angry, and another one came at this time, which undoubtedly did not add fuel to the fire.But reason told the two of them that the system would not be so perfect, so the two of them took a deep breath and looked at the second message.

[Inform the contestants that at night, because the level of this task is too high and the difficulty is too high, some restrictions on your magic skills will be lifted.In the next game, you only have three attacks for each magic skill, please use it reasonably. 】

[ps. Because the antidote has already been taken, the two missions this time have not been completed.The penalty for this task is to deduct the corresponding points, please note. 】

The second message is not a big deal to the two of them, the main thing is the first message.

After seeing this news, the two people with dark faces gradually returned to their previous appearance. After the system observing their status saw that they had returned to their original state, they left here contentedly.

Restoring magic is a very good thing for the two of them, and it is very good news.Because there are too few things that can be used as weapons at the dance, and even if they can be used, they will become scrap copper and iron after a while in their hands.But magic skills are different, because the zombies here have taken the antidote, and physical attacks cannot attack them, so magic has become the only choice for the two of them.

And Lei Ming is good at using thunder magic, but this magic is only suitable for large-scale use outside, but it will be greatly restricted indoors, which greatly reduces its efficacy and effect.And the magic that night now possesses, no matter which one it is, is very practical no matter where it is.Although the premise of ice magic is the need for water, but isn't there enough 'water' here?

After thinking about what they would do in the future, the two of them gave each other a look, indicating that as long as Wu Jingyi launched these zombies to attack them, the two of them would start planning.

As they expected, Wu Jingyi's next words were aimed at the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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