The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 498 The Walking Dead - Thunder Night Chapter (264)

Chapter 498 The Walking Dead - Thunder Night (264)

Everyone looked at the night nervously, to be precise, they were looking at her right hand that was put into the box.The people on the dance floor looked at the night nervously, hoping that she would give full play to her lucky physique and give a good note.The people below looked up with interest, wanting to see what would happen next.

After putting his right hand into the box at night as a lottery, he touched many small notes.But instead of picking one up right away, she fumbled around, as if she could read what was written on each note.

In this way, more than ten seconds passed, even a cautious person would not need so much time to touch the note. The zombies on the dance floor who were nervous before, gradually became more and more nervous as time went by. "Irritable" up.

"Hey, you should catch it quickly."

"Isn't it just to touch a piece of paper and get it out? Doesn't it take such a long time!"

"Yes, indeed, inkblot."

The zombie on the dance floor looked at the night, from expecting her to draw a good note, to now impatient with her drawing a note.When the people below the dance floor saw this situation, they couldn't help sighing helplessly and shook their heads.

And at night, she didn't pay attention to the words that she touched the ink marks and was slow, but continued to search for something in the box.At this time, she touched a note that was different in shape from the others.

That's it.

After Ye Ye finished speaking secretly in her heart, she picked up the note and took it out of the box with her right hand.

After seeing her take out the note, the zombies on the dance floor suddenly lost their temper and returned to a tense state.The shape of the note held in the right hand at night is very special, it is the kind that is tied into a knot in the middle.After the zombies under the dance floor saw the note in Ye Ye's hand, they showed a look of joy and anticipation. After anticipation, they reacted and found a seat to wait for the next plot.

At night, she put the note she touched into Wu Jingyi's hand, and before he could speak, she slowly walked off the dance floor, as if she already knew what was going to happen next, and wanted to hurry down to avoid accidental injury.

Wu Jingyi looked at the back of the night walking down the dance floor with some reluctance, wondering what kind of boy could attract her and become her other half.Or if she has a partner, then he will definitely tear that person into pieces.

No one can get what he can't get.

"Okay, Miss Ye has already drawn a note, and it is in my hand now," Wu Jingyi raised the note that Ye Ye placed on his palm, and continued, "Then next, I will take this note Open it and publish the contents."

After he finished speaking, he turned off the microphone, put the microphone on the table in front of him, and slowly opened the note with both hands. The content on the note appeared in front of his eyes. After seeing the content, he did not express any surprise. I am used to the news on this, as if I see it every time.

He closed the note, put it on the table, looked at the nervous expressions of everyone on the dance floor, and said, "What is written on the note is."

Everyone on the dance floor looked at him nervously, and there was a tense atmosphere in the air. Night also walked off the dance floor now, and returned to her original position to do a good job. Unlike before, there was no one around her.

(End of this chapter)

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