The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 492 The Walking Dead - Thunder Night Chapter (258)

Chapter 492 The Walking Dead - Thunder Night (258)

Wu Jingyi looked at Ye Ye and Lei Ming again. He seemed to have something to say to Ye Ye in front of him, but he opened his mouth but did not make a sound. He glanced at Ye Ye again and left here.

Seeing his leaving back, the two of them couldn't help but secretly rejoice in their hearts.Because through what happened just now, the two of them already knew where the antidote was placed.

Ye Ye: It really takes no effort at all.

Lei Ming looked at Ye Ye with confidence in his eyes, as if what happened afterwards was nothing to her.

"I know where it is."

Lei Ming's words have two meanings.The first layer means asking Ye Ye if he knows where it is, and the second layer means telling Ye Ye that he already knows where the antidote is.

Hearing these words, Ye Ye looked at Lei Ming.After two or three seconds, she nodded.

After the two of them looked at each other for a few seconds, they turned their eyes back to Wu Jingyi.Wu Jingyi, who left in front of them, was walking towards the center of the dance floor. At some point, he took out a microphone, and while walking towards the dance floor, told the others with his eyes to keep them quiet.

But when he was standing in the center of the dance floor, the hall was a little bustling because of the rest, but now everyone is silent, as if if a needle is dropped, the sound of the needle falling to the ground can be heard.

Wu Jingyi put the microphone in his right hand to his mouth, coughed a few times, and after listening to the voice from the microphone, he looked at the crowd, looked around, and finally put his gaze on body at night.

Wu Jingyi said: "Ladies and gentlemen present, the rest time has passed. Now let us enter the climax of this dance, please stay tuned."

As soon as his words fell, the originally silent hall suddenly heard loud cheers from everyone.Everyone present was particularly looking forward to what the orgasm he was talking about. Even though some people already knew the content, they still couldn't suppress their sense of anticipation.

After these cheers, some small groups were whispering in private to discuss what the content of this climax was.

"What do you say is the climax of the ball that the boss is preparing? I really don't know at all."

"You don't even know how you came here," the girl who spoke held a fan in her right hand. After hearing what the person beside him said, she opened the fan and put it to her mouth. After speaking, she sighed helplessly and continued, "This is probably the first time you have attended such a dance, so forget it and let me tell you."

Upon hearing these words, the girl just now showed joy, looked at the girl expectantly, and said to the girl respectfully, "Thank you so much."

"It's nothing, it's just a matter of little effort," the girl closed her fan, looked at the girl and began to explain, "Every month the boss will hold a dance party like this at a certain time period, and the climax of each dance party is usually relieved." medicine."

"An antidote?"

"That's right, it's the antidote," she continued, "the antidote that turns us into zombies."

"I feel that this is of no use to us. Why do you seem to be looking forward to it?"

After hearing this sentence, the girl sighed helplessly and said:

"That's because you don't know its function."

(End of this chapter)

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