The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 459 The Walking Dead - Night Chapter (226)

Chapter 459 The Walking Dead - Night (226)

Feeling the fluctuation of magic power from her body at night, when all her magic power is concentrated in her right hand, she can feel that her right hand is a little different from usual.

It should be said to be very easy?
She doesn't know how to describe her current state, but she feels that he is very relaxed now, because when he was driving before, the driving time was a little longer, and her shoulders hurt a little at that time, but Looking at it now, the shoulder doesn't hurt at all.

night:? ? ?
What's going on, can this still relax my shoulders?
Some doubtful nights did not continue to delve into this question, but focused all their attention on their right hand, and then saw ice blue gas appearing on their right hand, and at the same time, it could faintly see the center of the gas There is a trace of a snowflake.

At night, I actually thought I was dazzled, so I rubbed my eyes with my left hand, and when I looked at the palm of my right hand again, the snowflake was even clearer than before.

What the hell is this?

Looking at the snowflakes coming out of her palm, although she felt strange at night, but now is not the time to think about it, so she pointed her right hand towards the zombies outside, and after confirming the attack range, she waved her Right hand, the ice blue gas on the right hand blows towards the zombie along with the wind.

Seeing this scene, Mr. Ray couldn't help sighing, and after a second of silence to the zombies outside, he still sighed helplessly.

He was thinking in his heart, all of you insisted on provoking her, but now, none of you escaped from his grasp, why bother you.Wouldn't it be good to just give way honestly?Do you have to say so absolutely?I really have nothing to say.

After sighing again, Mr. Ray didn't make another sound.

This situation lasted for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, I felt that my body was much lighter at night, and I was less tired than before when I did anything.I don't know what the reason is, how it made her so relaxed all of a sudden.

And just as she was thinking about this question in the house, a large area of ​​zombies on the road was frozen.Most of them didn't react, their bodies couldn't move anymore, and they could only watch themselves being frozen by the ice.

In fact, some zombies have reflected it, but their reaction speed is still too slow compared to this, so they still really want to escape the fate of being frozen.

It can be said that the zombies that blocked the night on the road just now have all become ice sculptures.If they knew their fate would become like this, they would have given her a way to go to the center of the city before then.

Really, why did I encounter so many things today.One of the unfrozen zombies expressed his question in his heart.

Because the closer to the center, the less and less food, so he went to the city gate in the morning to see if there was any food.And today I found a food, but now I don't know where the food went.

However, what the zombie didn't know was that it was made from the morning food.

(End of this chapter)

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