The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 45 4 Corner Game (13)

Chapter 45 Four Corner Game (13)

Question: How does it feel to be seen after walking out of the bathroom of the opposite sex.

Let's interview these two parties.

Night just stared, did not speak.

Lei Ming left before you finished asking the question.

Looking at Lei Ming who came out of the girl's bathroom at night, his first reaction was that he, like himself, also went to find clues.

After all, in terms of appearance and other aspects, this person is not a pervert.

Although he finished the inspection, she was still a little worried, and thought to herself that she should go to the girl's bathroom to have a look, just in case there were any important clues.

What Lei Ming thought was almost the same as that of the night, the two walked into the bathroom separately as if nothing had happened.

The bathroom for girls is the same as that for boys, there is no difference, the only difference is that it is placed in the wrong place.

After the inspection, Ye Ye came out of the bathroom, came to the hall, and glanced at the time of the clock hanging on the wall of the hall.

Ten past eight.

Go down the stairs to the first floor.

[First floor]

The lobby on the first floor is relatively lively. Some contestants are discussing how to clear the level and see where the game's clearing point is; some people are sorting out clues to see what clues they have ignored in the game.

【Room 444】

I avoided the crowd at night, returned to room 444, and lay on the bed for a while to rest.

This sleep lasted until ten o'clock. At ten o'clock, she was woken up by the loudspeaker in the room.


Like tuning, test to see if there is sound.

When the horn made two sounds, the horn was hit by an unknown object and fell to the ground.

I continued to sleep at night when I threw away the unknown thing on the head of the bed.

At ten o'clock, the horn in the corner of other people's rooms emitted a girl's electronic voice. The mechanical voice seemed to remind them of important events:
"The time is now ten o'clock in the evening. All contestants, please stay in the room and don't leave the room, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

"It's ten o'clock in the evening"


In order to impress the contestants, after the system said it three times, the speaker stopped making any sound.

The sky outside the window is getting darker and darker. In the darkness, I can't see anything clearly, I don't know what it looks like outside, and I don't know what is outside.

Unlike the preliminaries, they are now in a closed space, and they don't know what it looks like outside.

Of course, each of them doesn't want to know what's out there, because if they knew what was out there, they wouldn't want to continue participating in the game.

When everyone was lying on the bed exhausted and sleeping, a figure suddenly appeared on the window, then another, and then many more. The figure looked at the sleeping people in the room through the window, showing a happy expression.

"Hee hee hee"

In my sleep, I seem to hear someone laughing at night.

She ignored it, didn't even lift her eyelids, because she knew there was nothing else here but those things.

At eight o'clock in the morning, I opened my eyes at night, sat up from the bed, stretched myself, and tidied up my clothes and face.

While she was arranging her clothes, Mr. Ray, who hadn't heard from him since yesterday, made a voice.

Mr. Ray: Ye, I found it.

After tidying up at night at this time, I came to the door of the room, put my left hand on the doorknob, and said in my heart: Well, what did I find.

Mr. Ray: The contestant Lei Ming, whose exclusive attribute is Lei, is an all-around type.

As he said those words, Night turned the doorknob and opened the door.

The door of 013 on the opposite side was also opened.

Hearing Mr. Ray's words just now, he took another look at Lei Ming who was opposite him, and said in a low voice at night, with some doubts:

(End of this chapter)

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