The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 442 The Walking Dead - Night Chapter (209)

Chapter 442 The Walking Dead - Night (209)

It is very easy to go out of the gate of the city at night. If the main task is the easiest, of course it is to get out of R City.There are no zombies here, and I don't know if someone has cleaned up the zombies here in advance.

After leaving City R, a systematic electronic screen suddenly appeared in front of her.The system sent it this time just to tell her how far she has completed the task, and that she needs to go to P City before accepting the rest of the task.

After seeing this, he hurriedly left City R at night. City R is quite a distance from City P. If he walks there now, she probably hasn't walked there even after the game is over, so she must find a car that can drive now.

Speaking of the car, at night I thought of Tan Taipeng being killed by a car bomb.This person is quite pitiful. He can be taken to a safe area tomorrow night, but it is because of his unnecessary actions that he will end up like this in the end.

This time he was still very lucky. About 20 minutes after she walked out of the door, he finally found a car that looked relatively new but could still be driven. That is, did he know if he had a car key?Without the car keys, she couldn't start the car.

She looked at the car at night and was very cautious. After all, there was a precedent that appeared in front of her before, and she must be more cautious now, because she felt that it was impossible for him to be so lucky every time.If it was also an explosive car this time, then she would be too miserable.

After looking at it at night, I found that this car was an ordinary car that was left here.At night, I opened the door of the car. The car did not explode. I seemed to let out a sigh of relief at night, so I started to look for the car keys in the car.

After searching for a minute or two, she still found the car keys.The car key was placed next to the back seat, in a very hidden place, and it would never be found without careful observation.I don't know why the person who originally drove the car put the key here. Could it be that he wants to come back later and drive the car away?

That's what she thought at night, but she couldn't figure out why the owner of the car did this, so she picked up the car key and started the car. Naturally, there was still a ball in the car, so she turned on the map at night to check the nearby refueling stations where to stand.

Night: Mr. Ray, search for a gas station near here.

After Mr. Ray searched quickly, an electronic screen suddenly appeared in front of him at night, clearly marking the location of each gas station.One of the gas stations was very close to her, so she chose this gas station at night.

Night: go here.

At night, I raise my right hand, point to the selected gas station on the electronic screen in front of me, and after clicking, a window will pop up on it that reads:

【Do you want to go to this gas station? 】

【Yes or No】

At night, she clicked yes without any hesitation, and then the box disappeared, and a route appeared on the original electronic screen. It seemed that the system had chosen the closest route based on the gas station she had chosen.

After the car started, Mr. Ray suddenly thought of something and asked about the night.

Mr. Ray: ...Ye, can you drive?

In his impression, he can't drive at night at all!
(End of this chapter)

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