The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 438 The Walking Dead - Thunder Chapter (205)

Chapter 438 The Walking Dead - Thunder (205)

After they drove away from the place near the gas station, the big man sitting in the back glanced at the captain sitting in the co-pilot seat. Although he said that he believed that the captain supported his decision, he knew the captain's final decision. What the decision would be like, but he was still a little sad.

He unconsciously fantasized about the scene just now in his mind, but he just changed into a different person.

He himself was that man, and that man was his own man sitting in the car looking at him, while he was standing outside the car looking at them helplessly and pitifully, hoping that they could take him away.

Of course, this situation cannot happen. He is sitting in the car at this time, and he is not facing the zombies alone outside. He has the captain and Lei Ming.

Cars full of gas are running on the road, and from time to time, some scrapped cars can be seen parked on the side of the road. The doors of the cars are open, as if the people inside have seen something surprising, so they abandon the car and leave.

After they saw this scene, they subconsciously thought that someone inside the car must have suddenly mutated into a zombie, so the people inside put down the car and left here.In fact, there are obvious bloodstains in the car, and there are large red bloodstains and red handprints on the glass.

At this time, Lei Ming was driving the car while looking at the map given by the system. They were still a little time away from the safe zone, and his mission this time was about to end.

Thinking of this, Lei Ming thought to himself, finally he can get rid of these burdens, the mission is finally coming to an end, here I come to P city.

Y: ...

When there was still 1 kilometer away from the safety zone, Lei Ming decisively parked the car in a relatively secluded place, and then sorted out the supplies. After sorting out his own supplies, he put the rest of the supplies in the captain and The big man held it in the hands of the two of them.

When they watched Lei Ming give them his food, they were very confused, because the little man said that Lei Ming had a lot of supplies before, and they were half-believing at that time, but they didn't expect him to have so many supplies.

"This is?"

After looking at the food and water that Lei Ming put in his hands, the captain looked at him with some puzzlement and asked.

"What are you doing?"

Even the big man sitting at the back looked at Lei Ming puzzled when he saw this situation, and wanted to ask him what he was going to do in the future.

Seeing the reaction of the two of them, Lei Ming was also a little puzzled: "?"

Don't both of them know the farewell ceremony?
Lei Ming looked at the two of them with the eyes of the two of you being idiots, and finally he could only sigh helplessly, and said:

"Eat on the road."

What he meant by eating on the road was that when he was in the safe zone, no one knew what the management in the safe zone was like, and he had to leave a little retreat for himself now, or he wouldn't know how he would die by then.

Then both the captain and the big man misunderstood the meaning of Lei Ming's words. They thought that Lei Ming's eating on the road meant that they were going to die soon, so they gave them food and asked them to eat on the road. Satisfy and drink enough to die.

Captain and Big Man: "!"

Although we haven't been together for a long time, we have experienced some things, why do you treat us like this.

The captain and the big man wanted to cry, but they looked at Lei Ming with complicated expressions.

Lei Ming: "?"

(End of this chapter)

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