The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 421 The Walking Dead - Thunder Chapter (188)

Chapter 421 The Walking Dead - Thunder (188)

"There's not enough gasoline."

The captain sitting in the co-pilot seat and the big guy sitting in the back were enjoying it, and finally they didn't have to experience the sadness of walking forward. When they were enjoying the relaxed and comfortable feeling now, they heard Lei Ming say This sentence.

team leader:"!"

Big man: "!"

If there is not enough gasoline, it means that the car cannot be seen at all, which means that they cannot continue to enjoy such a comfortable life if they leave the car.Thinking of this, the two of them immediately looked at the environment on both sides, and wanted me to see if there was a gas station nearby to check the fuel level.

Because looking at the behavior of the two of them now, in the eyes of others, the two of them are very loyal, but in the eyes of Lei Ming, they seem to look like idiots.

Lei Ming directly asked the gas station near Y in his heart, where is the nearest one, and asked her to plan the route. After Y received it, he immediately found the gas station that was very close to them according to the map, and at the same time calculated how many miles he had to drive to get to the gas station safely and smoothly.

After seeing the calculated data and the map leading to the gas station, after Lei Ming memorized the data and the map, he accelerated forward according to the calculated data.

But the two people sitting in the passenger seat and the back row kept looking at the surrounding environment to see where the gas station was. If they found the gas station, they would tell him immediately.

After a while, the captain looked back, and then searched in his mind where the nearest gas station was.

And Lei Ming has already found a route, and is now moving towards that route.These two little idiots haven't realized that Lei Ming has found a route, and they are still driving towards the surrounding environment.

It was the captain who reacted recently. When the captain saw that there were no gas stations around, he turned his head to Lei Ming who was driving in the driver's seat in frustration, and wanted to tell him the tragic news, but when he saw Lei Ming, who was confident in his mind, looked calm, driving the car as if nothing had happened.

After seeing Lei Ming's reaction, the captain also realized that he had already found the nearest gas station, so he wouldn't be so nervous.

On the other hand, his behavior just now was like a little fool in Lei Ming's eyes.

The captain sighed helplessly.

The big man didn't realize it until 5 minutes later. Lei Ming already knew where he was going, and then sat quietly in the back row.

Maybe the two of them had nothing to do, and at the same time they were still a little sleepy because of the sudden relaxation.Even though they had rested last night, their eyelids were still closing.

Lei Ming in the driver's seat paid attention to the situation of the two of them.The captain is sitting next to him, and the behavior of the little man behind can be seen through the rearview mirror.

When the two of them were in a daze, they heard Lei Ming's cold words:

"Sleep, call somewhere."

I don't know if it's because Lei Ming, who usually doesn't talk much, suddenly said this sentence. This sentence is like when the invigilator suddenly called your name during the exam, you thought you were cheating.

The two of them woke up suddenly, and they lost all sleepiness.

(End of this chapter)

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