The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 415 Chapter 314 The Walking Dead - Chapter Thunder (182)

Chapter 415 314 The Walking Dead - Thunder (182)

Although the little man was thinking about this idea in his heart, he knew he couldn't do it now.

I also felt that Lei Ming continued to say at this time: "You go down first, and then you go down." When he finished saying this, he pointed to the little man and the captain.What he said meant that the little man should go down first, the captain should go down behind him, and himself should go down last.

The little man and the captain nodded one after another, indicating that they already knew.The little man dragged the rope down first. At the same time, although his steps were relatively stiff, he did not make a loud sound when he landed without any danger, and even if he made a sound, he did not lose it.

When that person and the two of them had already gone down, the captain planned to go down too, but was slightly stopped by Lei Ming. The captain looked in her direction, only to see Lei Ming shaking his head.Looking at Lei Ming's appearance, although he was a little puzzled, Lei Ming turned his eyes away from her and put his eyes on the two people below. When he looked at those two people again, the captain instantly understood what Lei Ming did just now. What means.

The big man and the little man below waited for a minute, but the captain above did not take any action, so the little man below said: "Is it a little too late when the captain comes down? Is he in any danger?"

Although the big man on the side heard what the little man said, he didn't pay much attention to him, because he wanted to put all his energy on the second floor. If the captain was really kicked out of the second floor by Lei Ming, Even though it is not very high, if this happens, it will be inconvenient to move in the future.

Thinking of the big man here, he was a little worried about what happened above and what the situation was.So they waited below for another minute, and after a minute they finally saw the captain.

When the captain safely landed on the grass on the first floor, although there was a little noise, fortunately the surroundings were not lost.Then the three of them looked at Lei Ming on the second floor, wanting to see how he was going to get down.

The big man and the captain were a little bit more worried, but instead of feeling reconciled, the little man felt excitement, excitement and fear.

About half a minute later, they could see clearly in the last second, if suddenly there is no figure below, and they don't know what clothes he is wearing now, and where the discipline is.

At this time, Lei Ming finally showed his head and came to the window. His attire can be said to fully explain what is called a mafia, because none of the trash on the ground used swords or other weapons.

Suddenly the two men thought of something, and then looked at Lei Ming. He also seemed to have received the message from the two of them, so he started the next action.

The three of them standing on the ground looked up. At this moment, Lei Ming looked at the open space in front of the three of them, and then kept planning in his mind where the most favorable landing point was.After getting the answer, he immediately jumped down from the second floor without hesitation.

When the three people below saw Lei Ming's action, their eyes widened, because Lei Ming didn't use the rope to get down this time.

(End of this chapter)

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