The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 412 Chapter 311 The Walking Dead - Chapter Thunder (179)

Chapter 412 311 The Walking Dead - Thunder (179)

The three of them were silent, and no one spoke, while the little boy released his remarks just now, and he felt that it would be safer to take the road.

He set his sights on the captain and the big boy. The little guy was waiting for their answers, and he didn't know why the little guy always felt that the two of them would make the same decision as him.

In fact, the two of them were also thinking about what Lei Ming said just now. They felt that the great way also has the benefits of the great way, and the small way also has the benefits of the small way.

Lei Ming, who was checking the environment nearby, said at this moment: "You guys still have a minute."

When he heard that there was still 1 minute left for their discussion, the little man explained the principle of his recommendation of Dao in detail again, hoping that both the captain and the big man would agree with him.

Seeing the little man push so hard, the captain and the big man frowned, but they quickly returned to normal.They didn't know why the little man would recommend the avenue, but if something happened to the avenue, they would definitely die.

And the two of them believed that if they followed the avenue, something would happen.As soon as this situation popped into their minds, they didn't know why they thought so.

In fact, when Lei Ming told them two paths to choose, they had already quickly figured out which path to choose.And when they were preparing to organize their language and persuade the other two to choose the same path as themselves, the little man spoke first.

And judging from the frown just now, it seems that that person is the same as what I think.

When 1 minute passed quickly, Lei Ming looked at them and wanted to hear how they made their choices.After the three of them glanced at each other, they then set their sights on Lei Ming.

The first person who opened his mouth to make his own choice was the little man, and he immediately said the path he chose: "The great way, I choose the great way."

After listening to his answer alone, Lei Ming looked at the other two.And the two of them were also looking at Lei Ming.The little man on the side is urging them to make a choice quickly.

Of the two of them, it was the captain who spoke first: "I choose the path."

When he heard the captain's answer, the little man never thought that he would choose the opposite path to himself: "!"

He looked at the subject, with a little anger in his eyes: Did he just play the piano with the cow?Obviously the best way is to choose the avenue, whether or not we are familiar with the trail is still a question.

In the end, the little man looked expectantly at the big man, hoping that the big man would make the same choice as himself.The big man spoke out his choice, but the little man was a little shocked when he heard the choice made by the big man.

Why the path chosen by the two of them is different from the path they chose.Did the two of them deliberately tell themselves an irony?

In fact, there was a reason for the two of them to choose the path. Apart from the anxiety after choosing the avenue, the path can sometimes trap zombies in place and escape very well.

At this time the captain said: "The minority obeys the majority, let's go to the trail."

While saying these words, the captain kept looking at the little man, to see what kind of reaction he would have when he heard what he said.

(End of this chapter)

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