The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 410 Chapter 309 The Walking Dead - Chapter Thunder (17)

Chapter 410 309 The Walking Dead - Thunder (17)

Because it is a special situation now, and there are more people and less supplies, so they live frugally, even if the morning meal is canned fish.

Looking at the 1/3 of the canned fish in his hand, the little man couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, after all, this little thing was not enough for his journey yesterday.Then he looked at the other two people. They also only had 1/3 of the canned fish. It seemed that this canned fish was enough for the three of them to eat together.

But there was no Lei Ming in this room at all. After finishing his food, the little boy hurriedly got up and told the two of them to go to the bathroom by himself, and then left the room after he relieved himself. The two of them Looking at his leaving back, he was thoughtful.

Because the little man was somewhat prejudiced against himself, even though the other two people didn't treat him like this, Lei Ming still respected the little man's "request".Afterwards, no matter how the captain and the big man let him go back, he would shake his head to express his rejection, only to see the two of them returning to that room dejectedly.

After they left his sight, Y said at this moment: That person is going to die.

Lei Ming nodded and hummed.

After that, the two of them didn't say much, but fell silent.Lei Ming went back to the room, picked up the backpack, picked up a can from it, and started to eat. Although there was a little more food in his backpack, there would definitely be some food in the next journey. It is a very difficult place, so it still eats as little as possible.

After eating, he pooped and put the garbage in the trash can. Although he knew the garbage in the trash can, no one would come to clean it up in the future.

And the scene where he was eating canned food was seen by the little man.The little pigeon saw that she was eating canned food, and she still ate a canned food. It was a canned food. If he was allowed to eat it, he could walk for three days.

Then, when Lei Ming threw the cans in his hands into the trash can, the zipper of the schoolbag was pulled wider. He also saw the supplies in the backpack, and his eyes sparkled, because the supplies in the backpack were really nothing in it. The number of ways imaginable.And this Lei Ming still wants to eat it alone, doesn't he know how to share it together!

He left here a little angrily, and Lei Ming, who finished taking out the garbage, looked at the door in front of him, with the corners of his mouth raised.

Y: This person is probably not a fool.

Lei Ming agreed with him with a hum, and he also felt that what Y said was very reasonable.If a person like him lives in a group, he will definitely be the first to die.

Because the time for the little man to leave the room is a bit long, although the captain and the big man disliked him before, at least he lived on the rooftop for a period of time like them, even if he knew that he was such a person , but must also be inclusive.

The captain glanced at the clock that was still moving on the wall. When the pointer reached 5, he sighed helplessly, sat up directly from the ground, patted the dust on the upper right, looked at the big boy and said:
"You wait for me here, I'll go find him."

The big boy nodded after hearing his words, because he knew who the captain was looking for.

Just when the captain wanted to take a step forward, the door of this room was pushed open from the outside, and someone wanted to come into this room.

(End of this chapter)

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