The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 41 4 Corner Game (09)

Chapter 41 Four Corner Game (09)

After she finished what she wanted to say, the lounge fell silent for a while.

Everyone looked at the person who said this, and found that this person was the person who was dissatisfied with the exchange of information between the two big bosses in the hall before.

Ye Ye: "?" He sighed in his heart again, again?

Lei Ming: "." After opening his eyes, he looked at her.

The living room was terribly quiet, except for the sound of people breathing, there was only the sound of spitting.It was as if a needle fell to the ground and could be heard.

Mouse standing on the podium felt very speechless.He didn't know why this person wanted to provoke the most powerful men recognized in the game, and it was clear that these two big men hadn't done anything.

But because in the game, the principle of "mutual help and mutual assistance" is upheld, the mouse coughed and said, "There are still a lot of words in Gu Xue's room."

The person named Gu Xue by the mouse said, "Brother Mouse, why are you talking to them like that?"

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the two of them, and said, "These two people occupy two rooms. In that case, there must be someone who doesn't have a room."

"And when choosing a room, why didn't they discuss it with us!"

The mouse sighed: "."

"Gu Xue, have you seen the house numbers of these two rooms?"

After Gu Xue heard what he said, she looked at the mathematics of the room number on the blackboard and didn't know what to say for a while.

"The room numbers are 013 and 444, and these two bedrooms are 'unlucky' numbers."

"013, it can be regarded as 13. In the West, 13 is very taboo. You understand the reason. There is also 444, which is a homonym for 'death death'. I don't think anyone would choose these two rooms. "

"Also. There are a total of 8 rooms. Except for the two of them, there are six rooms left. Now there are 8 boys and 6 girls. Each room can accommodate 4 people. According to 4 people in each room, there are still rooms There are leftovers."

Mouse's explanation was perfect, explaining every aspect clearly.

"Or you want to."

Before the mouse could finish his sentence, Ye Ye, who was sitting on the seat, looked at Gu Xue and said with a smile on his face, "I have a room by myself."

Mouse: "!"

Gu Xue: "!"

The rest: "!"

During group play, ghosts would attack a single person.But the two of them, Ye Ye and Lei Ming, rely on their strength, so the others are not very worried.

After all, they killed that guy first.

But... if it was someone else, they definitely wouldn't want to live alone.

Because, the ghost's attention will be on you alone, and the chance of survival will become smaller.

For some reason, no one spoke a word.

It seems that once you speak, the person who sleeps alone in the next second is yourself.

"Just kidding."

Night stood up from his seat, came to the front row, leaned against the wall next to the door, looked at the mouse on the podium, and said, "Assign a room."

The mouse that responded: "Okay."

Mouse: "The current situation is that there are 3 boys and 3 girls. Please form a team automatically, and I will write on the blackboard later."

After the mouse finished speaking, the people below began to discuss the matter of the room, because it was related to whether they could survive in the future, and they chose people who seemed relatively honest and had no troubles.

Soon, the room assignments for the remaining people were quickly completed.

Just as the mouse picked up the chalk in the chalk trough and was about to write, it heard a very familiar voice:
"Why do I have to live alone!"

"This is not fair!"

(End of this chapter)

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