The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 408 The Walking Dead - Thunder Chapter (175)

Chapter 408 The Walking Dead - Thunder (175)

The big man and the small man live in two rooms on the third floor respectively. Yesterday, they finally got this house, and there are three beds in this house. The captain gave these two beds to He gave another bed to the only girl in the team.

The two of them had a good night's sleep last night, because they knew that if zombies attacked, the captain and the boy on the second floor would die first, and then the girl sleeping on the bed.

When they were still snoozing in bed in the early morning, the captain came into the room and woke them up one by one.When they woke up from their confused sleepy eyes, they put on their clothes again and went downstairs to the living room on the second floor. They all gathered together, but at this moment, the big boy noticed that someone was not there, so he asked :
"Where's that girl?"

The captain was silent for a while after hearing this, and then looked at Lei Ming.Seeing that Lei Ming didn't say anything, he immediately replied:

"Mr. Ray is a zombie, he was eliminated by Lei Ming yesterday."

When the two people heard what the captain said, the two people sitting on the sofa stood up in shock.They never thought that the weak girl would be a zombie, but after the shock, they realized something.

The little boy asked first: "No, shouldn't zombies mean that they will eat people when they see them, but that girl looks like a human being anyway. Captain, are you mistaken, and he is also with us?" lived for a long time”

After the little boy finished speaking, the captain shook his head and said calmly, "That's right, she admitted it herself at that time. And she's not an ordinary zombie, but the king of zombies."

When the big boy heard this sentence, he immediately understood what the current situation was like, so he looked at Lei Ming, who was standing aside and had nothing to do with himself, and said:
"I already know the current situation, what can you do next?"

Lei Ming leaned against the wall with his hands on his chest, eyes closed.After hearing his words, he opened his eyes and looked at him.

The big boy was instantly frightened by Lei Ming's eyes, because Lei Ming's golden eyes did not exist in this world at all, like the eyes of an emperor, like the eyes of a king.And his temperament is also at the level of an emperor, as if he was born to be a leader.

Just when the big boy thought that when Lei Ming would stop looking at him, others saw him turn his eyes away, and then said three words, which can be said to be the most important three words:
"Safe place."

When the three of them heard the three words [Safe Zone], they were actually a little strange. Although they could know what the three words [Safe Zone] represented, they never knew that there was a [Safe Zone] here. Safe place】.

The little boy seemed to have noticed something, so he looked at Lei Ming and asked:

"Do you know where the safe zone is. If you know, please tell us. We will have a spectrum in the future. After all, we are in this city that has grown up in this city. We know all the places. As long as you Tell me the place, and the three of us can go too."

When the little boy finished speaking, the audience fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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