The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 404 The Walking Dead - Tantai Pengzhang (171)

Chapter 404 The Walking Dead - Tantai Peng (171)

Tantaipeng wanted to move his legs, and he didn't know when he would come back at night, so he decided to move his already numb legs a little bit, because he felt that if he continued like this, he would definitely lose weight. There was a huge movement.

Tan Taipeng carefully raised his left leg, shook it a little, then put down his left leg, raised his right leg, put his right leg down again after the exercise, and then continued to squat on the here.

He thought he didn't make any movement, but what he didn't know was that his movement just now had sound, and the zombies around him had heard these weak sounds.

When he noticed, the zombies around turned their heads to look at her, and then walked towards him step by step.

Tan Taipeng was startled, the black cat wanted to call loudly at night, but he felt that if he resigned and shouted loudly now, he might put himself in a disadvantaged position, so he immediately covered his mouth and tried to reduce his breathing. If there is no loss of voice here, I thought that there was no one here, so I left.

His idea is quite good, but some zombies listened carefully to what was going on here, and then moved away after finding that there was no movement here, while a few zombies walked towards him slowly come over.

Tan Taipeng: "!"

It seems that my life is going to be planted here.

When Tan Taipeng thought of this, he couldn't help recalling his own life.When he was in school, he had excellent grades. It can be said that he was a classmate often mentioned by other parents, and also a good assistant to the school teachers. After coming to this hospital, he was immediately promoted and recognized as a mentor.

But when he was working hard and working hard, the world changed. I don't know why the zombies broke out.Everyone's life has changed dramatically, even his.

He and his mentor were first protected by soldiers, but this place did not continue. In a room, a person suddenly mutated into a zombie, and then the entire base was paralyzed.

His mentor, his master was unfortunately bitten by a zombie, but he learned from the teacher that the zombie has an antidote, and he can get it as long as he goes to that hospital, but the specific location is not yet available. After speaking, he died.

Because this base could not stay any longer, he came to this hospital alone.He was lucky and came to the 5th floor. He thought he could find it, but he was trapped in the emergency room because of the movement.

And at this time, what happened later, the appearance of the night, and seeing her amazing force, not only made him admire.

He thought to himself, if he had the power of night, then the teacher would not die.She can get the antidote from this hospital by herself.

But after all, he is just an ordinary person, and he can't reach the level of night at all.So he can only think about it.

When looking at the three or four zombies that were about to arrive in front of her, Tantai Peng held the surgical instrument tightly with her hands, and she felt that if she used this surgical instrument to kill a zombie, she would be worthy enough.

When the zombie was still one step away, he was about to stand up and attack the nearest zombie when he heard the sound of night.

(End of this chapter)

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