The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 402 The Walking Dead - Night Chapter (169)

Chapter 402 The Walking Dead - Night (169)

After less than a minute or so, they had broken through the siege of zombies.

Tantai Peng, who was grabbed by Ye Ye's right hand, was stunned for a long time. When she and Ye Ye came to a safer place, Ye Ye hid him alone first, and then went back to the road they had just passed before without looking back. .

At this time, Tan Taipeng was very shocked, thinking in his heart: I'll go, what is he going to do to die?Although your strength is very strong, there are hordes of zombies over there. Do you think you can beat it?
And the night should have guessed what he was thinking, but she didn't want to reply to him now, so she immediately turned back to the side of the zombie group.This was the system's punishment for her, that is, no matter where they fled, these zombies would always follow them, as if they had GPS installed.

If the survivors continue to stay with themselves, they may be implicated by the zombies, so the survivors are kept in a safer place at night, because those zombies are targeting themselves, so they will not attack the survivors, but the system The sentence he said, please protect the survivors, also made the night a little worried.

Just in case, she kept an eye out at night and built an enchantment around the survivors. This method was learned by Mr. Ray just now.Because it's the first time I use it, I don't know what the final effect will be at night, but the top priority is to clean up these zombies first, and then find survivors.

His sword was unsheathed again, and then he swung lightly towards the zombies attacking her, and the sword energy emitted from the sword knocked down a large group of zombies.This situation lasted for a minute or two, but the number of zombies did not decrease at all, but increased a lot. It seems that this is what the system calls a zombie feast.

This "banquet" should refer to himself.

After all, what he likes to eat most is living people, people who work hard in this world, and people who don't want to die.

While killing zombies frantically at night, the electronic screen next to her kept showing the news that the points had been credited, and the credits had been credited.As the sound of Didi's news kept ringing in Ye Ye's ears, Ye Ye whispered something really annoying, and then the voice disappeared.

Ye Ye: ...Is this still voice-activated?
However, when the night thought that the electronic screen would never appear again, an electronic screen suddenly appeared in front of her.


But nothing else was displayed on the electronic screen, only a sentence floated out.

[A-level punishment time is one hour, and there is still half an hour before the end of the punishment, please continue to work hard. 】

It turned out that this was to tell her when it would end. When she heard that there was still half an hour left, Ye Ye couldn't help sighing, thinking, it turned out that there was still half an hour left, which was too slow.

Even so, the night did not dare to neglect in the slightest.Because with the extension of time, the number of zombies is also increasing, and the speed is becoming more and more agile.So if you are not careful, you will be bitten by zombies, and you will be game over.

And at night, in addition to attacking zombies to protect herself, she is also always aware of the movements of survivors. After all, her main task is to protect survivors.

It seems that this guy is still honest, and he is not as active as the emergency room.

(End of this chapter)

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