The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 391 The Walking Dead - Night Chapter (158)

Chapter 391 The Walking Dead - Night (158)

After hearing her words, Mr. Ray: ...

After three seconds, he opened his mouth and said: Over there is Dong...

After hearing Mr. Ray's words, Ye Ye: "..."

The scene was once very embarrassing.

Mr. Ray: ...or I just tell you to go forward to the left and backward to the right.

Ye Ye immediately nodded and agreed, after all, this was a very good decision for both of them.

After solving this matter, she walked much faster than before, and she didn't know how long she walked at night. When she saw a hospital in front of her, she instinctively wanted to stay away from him, but the electronic screen of the system was faster than her. took a step.

[Mandatory side mission, rescue the only survivor in the hospital, reward 200 points. 】

When I saw this reward, I was more happy at night at first. After all, this side mission has 200 memory sharing problems. What does adding a "mandatory" in front of it mean?
At this time, Mr. Ray began to say: Mandatory tasks can be said to be the most important of all tasks. If you do not perform the mandatory tasks, then the same points as your reward points will be deducted.

If you do not protect the target of the mandatory task safely, then you will also lose the same points. It can be said that if you perform the task, all the contestants do not want to see it. Holding points does not risk.

After listening to Mr. Ray's explanation, Ye Ye only felt annoyed.

What is this? Buy and sell by force!

Although she said so at night, she could only glance at the hospital, and then at the electronic screen in front of her.Finally, she gritted her teeth, raised her right hand and wanted to click on the button above, but after seeing the buttons with two options, she only felt angry again.

Because the two buttons above are exactly the same, both have been accepted.Other than that there are no other options.


Mr. Ray: TAT
Night can only click on one option at a time, after all, the above content is the same, after accepting this mandatory task, Night can only sigh helplessly.

"Where is this position for hospital survivors."

After she finished speaking, the content on the electronic screen in front of her changed.A structural diagram of the hospital appeared on the electronic screen.At the same time, there is a red dot somewhere that is unusually conspicuous.

After seeing the red dot, Ye Ye knew that this represented the position of the survivor.So she immediately memorized the structure diagram in front of her mind. The structure in the hospital is very complicated. If you don't know the structure or don't go in here often, then you are likely to get lost, not to mention that you are still a road idiot at night. .

The location where the survivors are now is the emergency room on the 5th floor, and the emergency room on the 5th floor is the innermost part of this floor, and the passages leading to the upper floor are arranged in different positions , I don’t know why the hospital is designed like this.

Looking at this outrageous design, Ye Ye felt that this person was not a hospital, but a private club.It's still the kind of clubhouse that can shock the whole country.

Of course, she didn't want to think too much at night. Her task now was to bring the survivor out of the hospital, and at the same time bring the survivor to a safe area.

Obviously, the safe zone was the last thing she wanted to go.

It's great now, I have to go if I don't want to.

(End of this chapter)

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