The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 383 The Walking Dead - Thunder Chapter (150)

Chapter 383 The Walking Dead - Thunder (150)

At night, the sky is full of stars, like countless silver beads densely inlaid in the dark night, and the Milky Way is like a faintly glowing white belt, across the star-studded sky.

At this time, the moonlight covered the earth with a layer of silver, and the street was reflected in the moonlight, and it seemed silent.At the same time, the moonlight also shone on the zombies who were still on the street, but at this time the zombies didn't make any movements, but stood there blankly.

Every night, no one dared to speak loudly, and some only had the sound of Ruowei's breathing, and the rustling sound of the leaves blown by the breeze.

The captain and Lei Ming guarded the girl's room. The girl lying on the bed covered with a quilt had already fallen asleep peacefully. It seemed that it was because of the two of them on duty that she relaxed her vigilance and slept soundly.

This girl felt that this night was the most comfortable night she had ever slept in. When she was on the roof, she would be frightened every day. Even if the night would be the same as now, there would be someone on duty, and they had locked the door tightly, but there were zombies coming from below. The sound of screaming also made her unable to sleep at all.

Perhaps this is the main reason, but there are also secondary reasons.

The ground on the roof is very high, and in addition to the current season, the temperature will drop at night and become colder. Of course, the clothes they wear cannot match the quilts and bedding in the room now, and they will suffer from zombies every night. Risk of being eaten and risk of freezing to death.

But in this case, they have already survived, so what?And just today, a hero suddenly appeared in front of her.The hero said he could take them out of here to safety.

These words undoubtedly hit her heart.


The captain looked at the girl who was sleeping peacefully on the bed, and then turned his gaze to Lei Ming who was sitting opposite him. At this time, he looked up at the sky outside the window, not knowing what he was thinking.

In Lei Ming's eyes, the night sky at this time is not as beautiful as other people's eyes.He doesn't know why, the sky in the game is very "beautiful" when he looks at it, maybe because he is a contestant, or because of his lost memory.

In this room, apart from the steady breathing of the girl on the bed and the steady breathing of the two people on duty, there was only the rustling of the wind.

The captain is actually used to this kind of situation. After all, he was on duty every night when he was on the rooftop. It may be because other people trust him, or because others think this matter is troublesome, so they put it all on him.

In fact, he was not angry about this, but thanked those people very much. He himself often couldn't sleep at night.But being unable to sleep at night does not affect the spirit of the day at all. On the contrary, the spirit of the day is the same as before, just like a person who sleeps at night.

It may be because the person who was on duty with him tonight has not slept yet. The person who was on duty with him on the roof, or else he couldn't bear the sleepiness, fell to the ground and fell asleep, or else he didn't wait. He was already very sleepy from the beginning, and he sat there alone on duty soberly, which can be said to be very boring.

After finally finding someone who is as conscious as he is now, he spoke in a very low voice, but enough for Lei Ming to hear:

"where do you come from."

(End of this chapter)

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