The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 381 The Walking Dead - Thunder Chapter (148)

Chapter 381 The Walking Dead - Thunder (148)

The movement of this zombie is faster than other zombies, and the speed is also relatively fast. Because the girl with short hair has no fighting experience, her fate will eventually be...


The ponytail girl screamed loudly, she couldn't believe what she saw.My best friend has now become a meal for the zombies. The zombies gnawed at the meat on her shoulders, and the meat was torn off with blood.

Large pieces of blood fell to the ground, and the short-haired girl was surrounded by blood.She struggled a little at first, but as time went on, she struggled less and less and eventually stopped moving.

Of the 5 of them, the 1st victim has already appeared.Now there are 4 survivors besides Lei Ming, three boys and one girl.

Because of the girl with ponytails screaming just now, the zombies on the playground also noticed them.The zombies on the playground ran towards them like crazy.Of the five people in front of the teaching building, Lei Ming was the first to hear the movement on the playground. He turned his head to look at the situation on the playground, and then said to the others:
"Follow me."

The other 4 people turned their heads to look at the playground when they heard what Lei Ming said. After seeing the situation on the playground, they looked at Lei Ming at the same time. At this time, Lei Ming had already run towards the gate of the campus. , followed in the footsteps of Lei Ming.

Originally, the school gate was almost cleared by Lei Ming, but for some reason, several zombies suddenly appeared blocking their way. The three boys had practiced their hands just now, so facing such a small number of zombies, Not timid at all.

The three of them quickly cleaned up all the zombies that blocked their way just now. At the same time, the big boy stopped and looked behind. The girl with ponytails ran towards him panting. When he came to the side of the big boy, he could see tears streaming from the girl's eyes.

This tear was for her friend, the girl with short hair.

In fact, the big man expressed his approval and disapproval of the actions just now.He agreed because if the two girls really didn't have the courage to eliminate the zombies, they would be a real burden to the team, because no one could help others in battle, and they had to solve it by themselves.

He disagreed because there were 5 good people, but one person was missing.Because during the time they were trapped on the roof, they had formed a tacit understanding, and they all recognized them as their "family".

Of course, this isn't really "family" in the true sense.

Families can sacrifice their lives for their children, and families can sacrifice themselves for the sake of all.And their "family" is just looking for comfort.

Because there is a certain distance between them for safety, Lei Ming is leading them forward now, and the big boy is protecting the only girl in the team at the back. Behind Lei Ming is the captain, followed by the little girl. stature.

After coming out of school, there were also many zombies oncoming.Lei Ming at the front dealt with most of the zombies first, and then the captain dealt with the zombies protruding from Lei Ming's side. The small man was protecting the safety of the two people in front and the two behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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