The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 272 The Walking Dead - Mu Yucheng Chapter (38)

Chapter 272 The Walking Dead - Mu Yucheng Chapter (38)

"Can we continue what we just discussed?"

Mu Yucheng himself didn't say anything about it, but this time he looked at him and said it.

Mu Yucheng nodded quickly and said, "Yes."

The attitude of the night was as if the other people were not there, and continued to talk about the topic just now.

"What weapons do you have here?"

After hearing this sentence, Mu Yucheng replied truthfully: "We have 10 pistols, two impact guns, and three sniper rifles here."

"We have a lot of bullets here, but although we have so many guns here, there are many more weapons on the other side than ours."

After hearing his words, after thinking about it at night, he said, "Do you have any swords here?"


Mu Yucheng was a little surprised when he heard this word from Ye Ye's mouth.Because in his cognition, having a pistol here is already very good, where can he get a sword?

Of course, when his friends heard Ye Ye thinking this way, one of them named Long Boyuan looked at her after laughing and said:

"I'm afraid you didn't come from the fantasy world, there is no sword here, oh, I remembered, there is a sword, and that is you," he raised his right index finger and pointed at the night, as if ironically She said the same thing, "Bitch!"


The night was calm on the surface, and so was the expression on her face, as well as her heart, as if these ironic words were nothing to her, and they couldn't hurt her heart at all.

But even if she could bear it at night, her system absolutely couldn't.

I didn't say anything at night, I only heard Mr. Ray send countless facial expressions, which almost filled up the night's sight.

Mr. Ray:

Mr. Ray: (ˇˇ)
Mr. Ray: ヽ('⌒メ)ノ

Mr. Ray: ┻╰(‵ ′)╯

Mr. Ray: (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻


After a while, when the facial expressions in front of him no longer increased, Ye Ye spoke to his system.

Night: All right, all right, don't get angry.

Mr. Ray did not reply to Mr. Ray, but directly sent another emoticon to her.

Mr. Ray: ━┻︵╰(‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

Mr. Ray: If I had an entity now, I would definitely kill the person who said these words just now!
Mr. Ray: Fight him for 300 rounds, let him know what his name is, how much he weighs.

Ye Ye sighed: "Okay, okay...

On the other hand, as the manager here, as their boss, Mu Yucheng realized what Long Boyuan said just now, and also knew what his real meaning was.

He looked at Long Boyuan, glared at him fiercely, and then said loudly, "Shut up!"

This sentence of shutting up made everyone present quiet down, and at the same time scared the night who was talking to Mr. Ray.

Only then did Long Boyuan realize what he had done wrong, why he was so angry, so he lowered his head like a child admitting his mistake.

Seeing that all of them bowed their heads as if admitting their mistakes, Mu Yucheng sighed in disappointment as if he thought they were really a bunch of trash, and then looked at the night in front of him.

He really hoped he wasn't mad at them at this time of night.If she is angry now, then what she just saw will not be done.

Mu Yucheng: Hey...I'm so annoying (sigh)
(End of this chapter)

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