The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 259 The Walking Dead - Night Chapter (25)

Chapter 259 The Walking Dead - Night (25)

And at night, they are also walking towards the exit of the community.

And he didn't make any decorations, just walked around the streets of the community in such a big way, and eliminated zombies as he walked, and eliminated zombies as he walked, so his points increased more and more.

Also, when she had just finished taking care of the two zombies, the system's voice didn't sound.It seems that because of the delay, when she left the place for 1 minute, the sound of the system sounded.

[Congratulations to the contestants for the night, earning 20 points. 】

And after some zombies she casually dealt with on the road, they also entered her points.

[Congratulations to the contestants for the night, earning 50 points. 】

She has only killed three zombies now, and the rest are the "zombies".It can be said that the probability of encountering this "zombie" is much higher than that of ordinary zombies.

When can a normal zombie be pushed to add points to her, alas...

Hearing her thoughts, Mr. Ray couldn't help but said: Ye, are you addicted to killing?

Mr. Ray: Whether it is an ordinary zombie or that "zombie", ordinary people would not look forward to him coming, because everyone wants to live.

Night: I want to earn points more than survive.

Mr. Ray: ...Hey.

Mr. Ray can't help but think of the past.

In the past, she didn't care about these points at all, it can be said that she didn't care at all.After completing the task and eating a meal with the points, she evenly distributed the points to the rest of the people.

Now, for this little point, she can stand on the street without any defense and be a living target.


Now the night's points are already 80. While eliminating three zombies, they also encountered no less than three "zombies".

When encountering a "zombie", Ye Ye didn't have any tools in his hands, and even if he had a suitable tool, he couldn't eliminate it easily, because if he eliminated it, his points would be deducted.So she could only run away in a "panic".

She has now reached the center of the community and saw the fountain marked on the map.

It feels like a high-end community here, and this fountain also looks taller.And there are a lot of zombies here, because the winning rate for a person to pass unscathed is almost 50%, half and half.

It's not a general exaggeration, because the number of losses here is at least more than 30, and she doesn't know why there are so many zombies here.

Don't people who live here know that when zombies attack, try not to go out and stay at home obediently.They still want to run out and suffer death, are these people all idiots?

Listening to Ye Ye constantly satirizing these people living in the community, although Mr. Ray knew that it was not very good to say this sentence, he also felt that it was more correct to say it at night, so he didn't nod or shake his head ,remain silent.

After saying those words, the night paused, thought of something, and started talking again.

Night: But I also thank them at the same time.

Hearing her continue to speak, Mr. Ray could only listen from the sidelines.

Night: Thanks for turning them into points and giving them to me for free.

Mr. Ray:_

After hearing her words, Mr. Ray felt that this should be their misfortune.After all, they have already died once, and now they will die at your hands again, and you are just trying to earn points.

Although earning points is absolutely no problem for contestants.

But, they are too difficult, too miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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