The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 256 The Walking Dead - Chapter 3 (22)

Chapter 256 The Walking Dead - Three People (22)

The situation in the kitchen was very tragic. Most of the floor was covered with dried blood and bits of meat on the cutting board.

Because there was a trash can on her side, she took a curious look at the things in the trash can. After seeing the things in the trash can, she felt that everything she had eaten would be spit out of her mouth.

What was there was not rubbish, but various organs. After a glance, he didn't want to look into the trash can, because she felt that if she looked in again, she might not be able to bear it or spit it out.

She is patient now, but she didn't just leave, but continued to move forward, so it is true to say that curiosity killed the cat.

If she didn't go forward this time, but went back to sleep on the sofa in the living room, then the people behind her would let her go.But if she keeps going...

Facing her, only death.

Because of the current lack of power, and the mobile phone cannot be turned on because of the long-term lack of power, and now the last flashlight at home is out of power, so she can only move forward in the kitchen.

She came to a corner, and suddenly her feet seemed to step on something, so she squatted down and stretched out her right hand forward, trying to see what was in front of her.

But what he touched was a very soft object, and its outline was very similar to something she was familiar with, and at the same time, a bloody smell came to his nostrils.

She suddenly thought of what she was touching now, and stood up in shock.When she stood up, she realized that something was wrong.

She remembered that when he slept with her, he didn't snore at night, no matter what time it was.

But why did I snore suddenly today?
A bad thought appeared in her mind, and then she heard a cold voice behind her:
"you saw it."

Obviously this sentence is a question, but the tone is affirmative, and the voice is cold, as if he is like a corpse about to become a sentence in front of the person who is speaking.

Her body was stiff, and she silently turned her head to look back.What she saw was the man she was very familiar with, but it could be seen from his eyes that he was not the one she was familiar with.

"Tell me, what do you do when you see it."

"and also…"

"Is the food delicious these days?"

After hearing him say this, all the scenes in the kitchen appeared in her mind, and the acid water in her stomach suddenly surged up, and she couldn't help but vomited on the ground.


He watched the woman in front of him vomit on the spot. Judging by her appearance, he probably couldn't stop for a while.

He looked coldly at the one who was still vomiting. As he came to the cutting board, he picked up the kitchen knife he had always carried, and cut the meat as usual, except that this time the meat was not from animals, but from animals. …

When she finished vomiting, her eyes were full of astonishment when she looked at him, as if seeing a stranger.

He couldn't help sneering, and then he looked at the woman as if she was thinking about something.She felt that the way he looked at her made her feel very uncomfortable.

Her intuition was right, because in his mind he was thinking about how to make the woman in front of him the same as the corpse over there.

If she knew what he was thinking, would she do something? Of course, she didn't know, so she could only think about it.

"You have eaten all the meat these days..."

"I'm a little hungry too..."

"I want some meat..."

(End of this chapter)

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