The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 249 The Walking Dead - Chapter 5 (15)

Chapter 249 The Walking Dead - Five People (15)

Soon, the zombies listening to them from all directions saw them, and their pace became faster, and they looked like delicious "dishes".

Those two people looked at the zombies walking towards them disheartened, and they thought that if the two of them hadn't wasted time here, the two of them would have escaped long ago.

But it was too late now, it was almost impossible for the two of them to escape from here, and they would definitely become meals for the zombies.

When the three people saw the desperate expressions of those two people, they all burst into laughter, as if they were mocking their behavior towards them just now, and let them experience their own feelings just now.

Those three people thought that they were already dying, so they continued to roar loudly even more indifferently, and the zombies who heard the sound accelerated their pace and came to them.

At this time, a zombie had already come to the beaten, injured and immobile person, then opened its big mouth, and bit the person's neck at once.


That person didn't yell loudly, but suppressed the voice he wanted to yell.Because at this time, he felt that if he yelled loudly now, he would definitely be looked down upon by those two people, and he couldn't lose his dignity.

But biting the neck is a trivial matter, but the zombie bit the carotid artery in the neck, blood gushed out from his neck, and the zombie that was still biting him felt that the food was not strong enough, so he opened his mouth again Bite deeper into the wound.

Because the vibrating artery in the neck was cut, blood flowed out.Originally, if the mirror artery was bitten, he would die from excessive blood loss within a few minutes. However, the zombie continued to bite deeper into the deep mouth, and he immediately lost his breath.

The remaining 4 people watched the zombies eating the body of the person who had just died. The two people standing next to them were very nervous, but the two people sitting on the ground looked at the person standing in front of them coldly. Two people.

The two people sitting on the ground thought that they must grab these two people as their backs.

Those two people just realized that even in this situation, both of them wanted to escape.Because if you don’t escape, the probability is 0, if you escape, what if you succeed, so when the two of them were about to leave here, suddenly one of their trousers seemed to be grabbed tightly by someone, and they both fell down one after another. on the ground.

The two of them looked behind them, and saw the two people sitting on the ground tightly grabbing the trouser legs of the two of them. Originally, they were relatively close to one of them, but for some reason, the other suddenly came up behind them.

Those two people looked at the two of them and said coldly:
"You can't escape."

"We're going to catch you two if we die."

After the two people heard this sentence, they kicked their uncaught legs towards the two people, but no matter how they kicked the two people, they didn't let go until the zombies came towards them.

The other zombies didn't look at the dead person, but set their eyes on the 4 living people. After I don't know which zombie said, all the zombies seemed to go crazy and moved towards Four of them ran over.

"Ah, let go! Don't bite me!"


From the beginning to the end, only two people spoke, and those two people suppressed their voices. Gradually, no one spoke, only the sound of chewing.

(End of this chapter)

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