The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 246 The Walking Dead - Night Chapter (12)

Chapter 246 The Walking Dead - Night (12)

Mr. Ray who heard her say this must not believe it, because the expression at night did not show despair but was very excited.In other words, she has already figured out a countermeasure now.

For her, these zombies are nothing to fear.

Because a long time ago, she would say that every time she encountered difficulties, and Mr. Ray has gotten used to this situation over time.

Mr. Ray: You should have thought about what to do next.

After hearing what he said, Ye Ye raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and instead of looking at the zombies below, he looked at the raindrop on the left.

Mr. Ray followed her gaze and looked at Yuluoguan. He didn't know what he wanted to do at night, so he asked: This seems to be unable to defeat zombies...

Ye Ye smiled helplessly, and said to him: Of course I didn't use the rain drop tube to eliminate them. You said that if this thing suddenly fell and landed on the opposite side, what would the consequences be like?

Mr. Ray was silent for three seconds.

In the next second, he understood what the night said just now.

If this thing suddenly landed on the opposite side, it would make the loudest sound, so that most of the zombies would go there.

Mr. Ray: Because zombies use vision and hearing to survive. If the hearing is loud, it will interfere with vision and go there.

Mr. Ray: Right(`)
Ye Ye nodded and replied to him in her heart: yes.

Mr. Ray: ヾ()~

Mr. Ray didn't ask what to do at night, because he knew it well.Except for him, no one here knows that night has "magic".

"Wind" magic is easy to control, but the flexibility of control requires long-term accumulation to form.If you first get this magic, the average person can only blow a little wind; the middle person can blow a light breeze; when the advanced or top-level person can blow a strong wind, even the top-level person can blow a tornado.

And the strength of the night, he is very clear.At the same time, he also knew that she was asked what to do by Mo Xian at night, so he didn't ask her at this time, but fell silent.

There are still 5 contestants in that building, and they are all concentrated on the 10th and 11th floors. Although she is very close to the ground now, if there is any movement on the 10th and 11th floors, The zombies below her will also go to the opposite side.

The night is now leaning against a shelter, which is so strong that it cannot be broken for a while.

With her eyes closed, she sensed the person opposite with her mental power. At the same time, while using her mental power, she also used "magic" to make the rain tube on the opposite side move slowly.

The people over there seemed to be about to attack. They reloaded the bullets in a low voice, put their guns out of the window, aimed at the direction of the night, and waited for the captain to give an order in the headset.

"Our side is ready, please give the order." One of the people seemed to be the captain of the five people, and he whispered to the boss through the walkie-talkie.

And the boss over there seemed to be thinking about something, and didn't give an order.He didn't know that because of his hesitation, all five of them were eliminated.

Because he learned about the series of actions on the 10th floor at night from others, he was very hesitant and discussed it with others.Others want to get rid of this person quickly and avoid affecting them.

And when the boss gave the order to the five people, he heard a scream over there.


(End of this chapter)

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