The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 244 The Walking Dead - Thunder Chapter (10)

Chapter 244 The Walking Dead - Thunder (10)

On Lei Ming's side, the family that landed on the balcony came to the balcony again after physically collecting supplies.He is now on the No.13 floor, and there is a balcony on the right side of the tenth floor, which is his next goal.

He stood on the balcony, moved all the joints of his body, and at the same time put on the gloves collected in the room. In addition to food, there were clothes in the backpack. He never thought that in this game, clothes It is also necessary to wear the clothes in the game.

After he finished his activities, he came to the right side of the balcony, and estimated how far the balcony on the third floor was from himself. There were many ways to land in his mind, and finally he chose one that looked stable. The way.

He came to the left side, the size of the balcony was just right, and after moving on the left side for a while, he started to make a starting posture, and then ran out directly in the next second, stepping on the balcony with his left foot When he was on the right side, he exerted all his strength with his left foot, and his whole body seemed to be thrown from the balcony, leaving a beautiful arc in the air.

When he approached the balcony on the tenth floor, the distance was enough. He first bent his hands and stretched forward, and then when his hands touched the balcony on the tenth floor, he turned forward three times with this force.Right around the 10rd time, his legs were right next to the other side of the 3th floor balcony, and at the same time the sound of bullets rang out from the balcony.

When he heard the sound of bullets, Lei Ming couldn't help frowning. Although he knew that there would be other contestants here, he didn't expect those young contestants to kill him.

Of course, his life is not so easy to win, if they can easily eliminate themselves, then they will be strong.

Y: Collect supplies.

Lei Ming was leaning on the balcony, some bullets just landed on the balcony where he was hiding, but some bullets broke the window glass of the balcony door, and some bullets hit the ground of the balcony, making a small beeping sound , scattered on the ground.

A few bullets happened to land at Lei Ming's feet. He picked up the bullets and listened carefully. The sound and speed of the bullets can be calculated again. There are two assaulters slightly shifted from his current position. .

But when he sensed with his mental power, he saw a person on his right side with a gun. Lei Ming was sure that it must be a sniper rifle. If he stretched out his head now, he would immediately explode. head out.

He now has 5 bullets in his hand, which is more than enough for the three contestants behind him. After putting two of them in his pocket first, he demonstrates in his mind how he will eliminate the opponents Three contestants.

In fact, he didn't have to think about it at all, because the best plan had already appeared in his mind, his body stood up as if he was already prepared, and quickly threw the three bullets in his hand to the opposite side.

This set of movements is very fluent, as if he has done it often a long time ago. Every time he encounters this kind of situation, his body always makes movements involuntarily and subconsciously.

Every time he was thinking about what job he was doing before, how powerful he could be, of course she couldn't figure it out no matter how he thought about it, so he didn't think about it again.

After the bullet in his hand was thrown out, he vaguely heard three things plop on the floor across from him. He didn't look back, but walked straight into the room.

(End of this chapter)

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