The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 23 Preliminaries (22)

Chapter 23 Preliminaries (22)

Watching Mr. Ghost's body gradually disappear at night, he turned his wrist and threw the blood on the dagger to the ground.

After putting the dagger on his waist, Ye Ye saluted towards the place where he disappeared just now.

Put your left hand on your chest, put your right hand behind your waist, lean your upper body slightly forward, and close your eyes.

After opening his eyes again, his face was as cold and expressionless as ever.

"Good night, Mr. Ghost."

Then, she turned her gaze to a corner of the room.

"Good morning…"

The viewers have seen many 'surprising' things from her after watching this scene.

Even though he was used to it, he couldn't help being shocked.

"So... what just happened..."

"Mr. Ghost... is dead?"

"It's that simple?"


They felt that the games they participated in were not on the same level as the games they participated in at night.

Why her game is so easy, but their game is so difficult.

Why is the Mr. Ghost in her game so cute, the Mr. Ghost in their game is not cute at all, but also very fierce, following behind them to take his own life.

Them: We are too difficult...

"Finally beat the boss this time, she should come out this time."

"Same as above."

"...I have a bad feeling..."

Just after this person finished speaking, an electronic screen appeared in front of the night on the screen.

The content above is still the same as before.

All felt that they would choose to leave directly, but some felt that this was not the case.

As some might expect, the night is still in the game after the electronic screens are gone.

Everyone: "..."

She will continue!

When I saw the night walking around the room, looking for something, the people who discussed why she continued were divided into two waves.

Some people think that she thinks she is strong, so she wants to continue the game and take a look at her own strength.

There are also some people who think that she is purely trying to get more points.

This is something all contestants know.

A game can end early, but the points will be less than those who are still participating.

In a game, except for Lei Ming, who is recognized by everyone now, no one has ever scored a perfect score in the preliminaries.

Lei Ming's record was not limited to the preliminaries, he participated in every game to the end, and he was a veritable master of the game.

Moreover, Lei Ming was the first to come to the main god game to participate in the game.

According to the veterans of the game, those who participated in more than 20 games and are still alive.

——"We are not the first to participate in the game."

——"If you want to talk about the first should be Lei Ming..."

——"When we came in, Lei Ming had already participated in the preliminaries, it should be said that he had already finished the first game."

Lei Ming looked at the night on the screen and what happened in the game, everything was so familiar.

Lei Ming: I didn't expect that the dagger that was put there was taken away.

Y: Ray, you mean the dagger you put under your pillow during the preliminaries?

Thunder nodded.

Y: Actually, I don’t really understand why Lei you put under the pillow, and the one in the study...

Lei Ming looked up at the ceiling of the lounge, closed his eyes and recalled when he participated in the preliminaries, smiled and said:

"may be…"

"Feel that item has to be there..."

"Meet the right person..."

He is not very clear about the specific reason.

At that time, he heard the voice from the depths of his soul.

No matter how he thought about it, he couldn't remember what the voice was or what it said.

He gave up thinking, and looked at the big screen. At some point, he also looked forward to how the game would proceed.

Even, he has already experienced the same thing.

On the first floor, I don't know who said:
"here we go."

(End of this chapter)

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