The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 227 Choosing the Buffet Price

Chapter 227 Choosing the Buffet Price



Although the two of them are big shots, there is no need to jump in line.And because of the lunch at noon, the two of them changed the time to participate in the game from 10 o'clock to 2 o'clock in the afternoon, so they are still at the end of the team, and the game starts at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

Lei Ming looked at them coldly, but did not make any movements, nor walked in front of them.

Night just looked at them with a smile, didn't say anything, and didn't take a step forward.

Seeing this, they thought that these two big brothers were afraid of what others would say, so they took the initiative to come behind them.Although their behavior was very friendly, Ye Ye and Lei Ming seemed to be "insulting" them.

After all, they are not short of time.

Because this kind of thing happened in the back, after the people in front heard the movement behind them, they also turned around one after another, so they saw a few people lined up behind the two big men decisively.The people who hadn't got the number in front also came to the end of the team very decisively.

In the end, there was no one in front of Night Thunder, but there were a lot of people behind them.


Thunder: ...

20 minutes had passed since this incident happened, and the time was coming soon. At 10:30, when the door of the buffet opened, the staff stood at the door to receive the contestants who came to eat.

The staff saw that there was no one in front of the door, but there were two people standing about 5 to 10 meters away from them.That's right, these two people are Night and Thunder.

So he didn't leave his post, but looked at the two of them, turned towards the two of them, and said loudly: "The two contestants, please move forward."

Ye Ye and Lei Ming did not move.

After seeing this situation, the staff member repeated again: "Two contestants, please go forward. The time is now 10:30, and the buffet has already started."

Because Ye Ye is in front of Lei Ming, that is to say, Ye Ye is now the first person in the team, and Lei Ming is the second person in the team.

In fact, I didn't intend to go forward at night, but I looked at the staff members helplessly.The staff didn't understand the current situation, because he was like a robot, and he just kept repeating that sentence.

The helpless night can only go forward, the current time is more than 10:30, although she is the first one who has time to eat now, but the other contestants who participated at 1 pm behind her, if they are at noon She went to participate in the game without eating and drinking enough. If she was eliminated in the game, then she would be a sinner.

When the night came to the staff, the staff looked at her and said: "Sushi buffet dishes, there are 25 points per person and 50 points per person, which price would you like to choose?"

Ye Ye: ...there are price points?
Mr. Ray nodded and said: Yes, the person with 25 points can only eat sushi, and other things are not allowed to eat. The person with 50 points can eat other foods in the restaurant except for sushi , such as desserts, Chinese and Western food, etc.

After listening to it at night, I felt that the price of 100 points per person was very good, so I said, "50 points."

After hearing what he said, the staff took a machine in his right hand and put a drop on her bracelet. After finishing, he looked at the night and smiled and said:

"Welcome, please enter."

(End of this chapter)

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