The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 217 Blackjack - Player Perspective (21)

Chapter 217 Blackjack - Player Perspective (21)

When everyone's eyes were on him, Ye Ye sighed, as if he already knew what the card was, and turned over the card without hesitation.

is a rhombus Q
The score for the night is now 18.

At this time, Ye Ye said another double bet before saying stop, as if she already knew that she would win this round.

If the bet is doubled, that is, the previous bet of 50 will be doubled, that is, she is now betting 100.

if he wins he will get
Because player 4's score is 19, which is very close to blackjack, and he does not intend to take any risks, so he decisively chose to stop the game.

Now is the dealer's time.

The dealer asked for a card directly, and got a 9 of hearts, with a score of 23, and busted.

Game 1 was won by player 4 and the night.


Round 2 is about to begin.

They start betting right away.

The night was the same as the previous game, and I bet 50 directly.The rest bet 20.

Because they felt that if they continued to play the same game as at night, they would probably lose their points soon.

After the dealer has shuffled the cards, the cards are dealt to them.

Player 1 has a 3 and a 4 for a total of 7.

Player 2 has a K and a 7 for a total of 17.

The night's cards were Jacks and 2s for a total of 12.

Player 4 has a 7 and a 10 for a total of 17.

The dealer gets a 7 and a dark card.

Player 1 felt that his score was very small, so he directly and decisively chose to ask for a card. The dealer gave him a 9 of hearts directly, and his current total is 16.

After thinking about it, he glanced at the night, and after watching the night, he decisively chose to stop trading.

Player 2 seems to want to let go of a gamble and chooses to ask for a card, but fate seems to have played a joke on him. The dealer dealt him an 8, and now his score is 25, and he is out of the game.

The night directly chose to ask for the card, and the dealer dealt her a 9, and her score was exactly 21.And in the next second, she decisively chose to double the bet.

After she made this decision, the dealers were dumbfounded.

Because everyone present knew that the dealer's chance of winning was really small, because the night's score was exactly 21 points, unless the dealer could get those cards to win the night, nothing else would be used.It might even blow up.

Dealer: Very bad experience!

When it was time for player 4 to choose, he decisively chose to stop.

The dealer turned over his hidden cards. His cards were 7 and J, for a total of 17.

But he did not choose to continue to ask for cards, but suspended the cards.

So the winner of this game is night, and player 4 is a tie, and everyone else loses.

After the end of the 2nd game, their points ranking has changed.

[1st night, 661 points.

The second player is 2, with 4 points.

The second player is 3, with 2 points.

The 4th dealer with 165 points.

5th player 1, 130 points. 】

After updating the points and rankings, the final round of the third round of the game will begin soon.

Everyone noticed that in the two games she participated in at night, she won both games, and the points never decreased, but increased instead, from the previous 461 to the current 661.

A direct increase of 200 points.

(End of this chapter)

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