The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 210 Hide and Seek (35)

Chapter 210 Hide and Seek (35)

According to some people, there are actually some very jealous people who, after learning about Lei Ming's magical attributes, wanted to use "Lei"'s shortcomings to attack him, but no one knew the final result, but some people guessed that Lei Ming must have been fought back.

Therefore, even after knowing that Lei Ming can use "thunder" attribute magic, most people would not dare to provoke him.

"Just when you knew that there would be magic at night, the expressions of the three of you at the same time betrayed you." Neng Yanghui looked at the two of them and said.

It never occurred to the two of them that their fleeting expression made them think they hadn't seen it, but in fact they had seen it a long time ago.

Neng Yanghui said another sentence at this time: "Actually, we know earlier, you can think about it."

Ke Wan and Xia Qiao were thinking hard, but they couldn't figure out why, but the three of them didn't want to tell them, and at this moment, a cloud of black mist suddenly appeared in the hall.

Neng Yanghui and Qian Lian looked nervously at the black mist, while Ke Wan and Xia Qiao were very happy after seeing the black mist.

Ye Ye looked at the black mist with indifference. From her expression, it could be seen that she was not interested in the black mist at all.After glancing at the black mist, she then looked at Ke Wan and Xia Qiao, and finally she turned her gaze back to the layer of black mist.

But it can still be seen from her eyes that she is not interested in the black mist.

Neng Yanghui and Qian Lian looked at the black mist nervously. They saw a person walking out of the black mist. When that person came out, the black mist gradually receded and finally disappeared.

After Xia Qiao and Ke Wan saw that person, they trotted directly in front of him, knelt down on one knee in front of him, as if waiting for his next order.

Those two people knelt down in front of him on one knee, and instead of looking at them, he looked up at the direction of the three of them at night.

When he saw the night, his expression was very nervous, but it disappeared quickly, and changed into that indifferent expression.He looked at the three of them in the night and said:

"You guys, want to beat me?"

The indifferent tone can be compared to their two bosses, but although the two bosses are cold, they are very friendly to them, but the one in front of them is not a person, but a ghost.

And in fact, when this person came out, Neng Yanghui and Qian Lian couldn't control their bodies, and they couldn't help shaking.It seems to be telling them the gap in their own strength.

Neng Yanghui didn't know where he got the courage to speak, but his voice was still a little trembling: "Why, what's wrong? Are you looking down on us?"

After hearing his words, the man chuckled.This chuckle seemed to be telling Neng Yanghui his answer.

When Neng Yanghui said that sentence, his confidence was already very weak, so he took a few steps back.When he saw his action, the man chuckled again.

When he heard that chuckle, Neng Yanghui really wanted to dig a hole and bury himself now.But when he thought this way, he heard a cold voice say:

"We are going to eliminate you, what's the matter? Do you have any opinions?"

After the person heard the sound, he looked at the person who made the sound.

Night's body is directly in front of Qian Lian and Neng Yanghui. Her back is like a wall, making them feel safe.

(End of this chapter)

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