The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 203 Hide and Seek (28)

Chapter 203 Hide and Seek (28)

When the night came to the hall, an hour had passed.

In fact, as early as 5 hours ago, the 5 contestants except her all came to the hall to gather, had breakfast, and now began to rest in the room.

Sitting in the lobby at night, I touched my stomach. At this time, my stomach let out a loud growl. It protested that it was very hungry and wanted to eat.

In the hall where there was no one but him, she opened her mouth and said:
"Ask a question."

The system quickly replied: "Contestant Night, what help do you need?"

"Prepare me lunch," she paused, as if thinking of something, and continued, "I'm in trouble."

The system originally planned to ignore her, but after thinking of something, it compromised, and lunch suddenly appeared on the table.The lunch this time is richer than the dinner of the previous few days. I don't know if it's because of the night or for some other reason.

After lunch at night, I returned to my room to continue resting.

Watching the night disappear into the hall, the system couldn't help whispering: Why is she sleeping all day... is she a sleepy god?

Sitting on the bed at night when she returned to the room, she kept trying to recall what happened in the dream just now, but for some reason she couldn't remember it, as if something was preventing her from recalling the past.

The more she thought about it, the more her head hurt, and finally she gave up thinking, lying on the bed and looking up at the ceiling.After she sighed, she turned sideways, closed her eyes and rested.


This time, I didn't have any dreams at night.

She felt that she was in a dark place where she could not see her fingers.Suddenly, a spot of light appeared directly in front of her.An ordinary person would definitely run towards that spot of light in a hurry, but she hesitated for a while.

When she looked at the light spot and pondered whether it would do her any harm, her body seemed to walk towards the light spot involuntarily, as if there was a voice in her heart telling her that it was harmless to her.

Finally she stopped in front of the light spot, she looked at the light spot, and stretched out her right hand to touch it.But in the next second, like the previous dream, her body fell into the abyss like flying into the air.

After waking up from the dream, she was lying flat on the bed in reality, and when she fell into the abyss, she suddenly opened her eyes.

Ray, who was in sleep mode, was suddenly taken aback by this action at night, and immediately started: !
He looked at her and thought she must have had another dream.She always dreams in the game, but she doesn't dream much when she sleeps in the villa in the accommodation area.

Mr. Ray lowered his head and thought for a while, could it be because the pressure in the game is relatively high, which caused her to always dream in the game.But he thought about it again, these games did not cause much pressure on her at all, so there was no problem of relatively high pressure at all.

After thinking for a long time, Mr. Ray didn't come up with any results, so he gave up thinking decisively. Just now, when he wanted to comfort Ye at the beginning, he heard her say:

"In the dark, a point of light."

Mr. Ray:?

After 5 seconds, Mr. Ray suddenly realized what he said just now at night.He wanted to tell her, but couldn't.I can only put the words in my heart in the bottom of my heart.

At this moment, a system voice came from the room:

"Now the time is 6 pm, all contestants please come to the lobby to gather."

(End of this chapter)

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