The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 190 Hide and Seek (15)

Chapter 190 Hide and Seek (15)

When everyone heard that the game was over, it was exactly 6 o'clock in the morning.

"The first night of the hide-and-seek game is over, all contestants are invited to gather in the lobby."

"Repeat, the first level of the hide-and-seek game is over, please come to the lobby to gather all the contestants."

Because they were hiding here in a highly tense situation, they were really startled when they heard the sound of the system, but they reacted immediately, when they wanted to leave.

Ke Wan and Xia Qiao recalled what Neng Yanghui and He Hongye had said to them before the game started.

——"After the game is officially over, we will come out to find you if it is safe. You can come out after hearing our voice."

The words of Neng Yanghui and He Hongye kept echoing in their ears, and they believed that the two of them would definitely come to find them, so they continued to hide.

If anything happened outside, they happened to have the self-defense supplies given to them by the two of them.

That was the self-defense equipment I got before the game started yesterday.

Two of them got a sharp knife and a dagger respectively.The knife was given to Ke Wan, and the dagger was given to Xia Qiao.

The two of them held the knife tightly, and at this moment they heard someone's voice after someone pushed open the door of their room.

"Ke Wan?"

It was He Hongye's voice.

Ke Wan immediately said, "Uncle He!"

Because she was blocked by the book and couldn't see the situation outside, what she didn't know was that there was something wrong with He Hongye's state, her eyes were dull, but after hearing her voice, she immediately returned to her original state.

He Hongye came to the desk and squatted down, and after removing the book, Ke Wan inside saw someone he was familiar with, so he immediately hugged him.

On Xia Qiao's side, Neng Yanghui came to her room immediately after confirming her safety.After confirming her safety, he took her to Ke Wan's room.

After the four of them gathered in Ke Wan's room, they came to the hall.

In the hall, the other two people were sitting in their seats, and the remaining 4 empty seats indicated that the 4 of them hadn't arrived yet, and after the 4 of them saw it, they immediately sat in their seats.

When all four of them took their seats, the system's voice sounded: "Congratulations to all the contestants for passing the first night. Please continue to start the second night of the game tonight after supplementing your physical rest."

"Please replenish your strength now."

After the system finished speaking, a pile of food suddenly appeared on the table.It was the same as yesterday, but because the food was not poisonous, they ate it.

At night, he picked up the water glass in front of him, shook it, and raised the corners of his mouth.After that, she took a sip of water, picked up the knife, and began to eat the dessert in front of her.

She didn't touch any of the staple food, and the taste of dessert was similar to that of that cake shop.At night, I feel that these foods are all purchased in the lounge, but it is not very clear at night how they are delivered here.

And of course, she didn't really want to figure out what the reason was, she was just curious.After not thinking too much, I continued to add sugar.

Qian Lian stopped what she was doing, picked up the tableware and began to eat.Because I haven't eaten anything since I came here.

He hasn't added any sugar for nearly a night now, so he is exhausted now.

After the 6 of them finished eating, the food in front of them suddenly disappeared, and at the same time the system sounded:

"All contestants, please go back to your room and take a good rest, and gather in the lobby at 2 pm."

 Hello everyone, I would like to inform you of one thing. The book will be released this Friday, which is the Lantern Festival, and the update will be 2 on the day of the release. Please support me a lot, thank you ヾ()~
(End of this chapter)

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