The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 186 Hide and Seek (11)

Chapter 186 Hide and Seek (11)

Neng Yanghui looked for a place to hide in his room.

The configuration in his room is only a bed, and a desk that can write, but the desk does not even have a chair.

It can be said that there is no place to hide in his room, except under the bed.

But looking under the bed, he felt a bit uneasy, because people hiding under the bed in horror movies are usually found, and then...

Thinking of this, he shook his head.I wanted to get that picture out of my mind, but I couldn't.

But it was impossible to hide under that table, so he still looked under the bed.

In the end he decided to hide under the bed, so he crawled into the bottom of the bed lying on his stomach, trying to fit himself down just right, and after the test, he crawled out of the bed and shook the dust off his clothes , After arranging his clothes, he opened the door and came out.

When he came to the hall, he saw that everyone else was in the hall, he was the last one to arrive, and everyone else was waiting for him.

He took a look at them after sitting in his seat, how long have the four of them found?place, so don't worry, but the two of them made him a little worried.

He wasn't too worried about the night when he was a game boss, but he was more worried about the other person.

He looked at Qianlian and asked worriedly, "Qianlian, have you found a hiding place?"

Qian Lian typed the code on the keyboard with both hands. He didn't answer immediately. After waiting for 3 or 4 seconds, he said:

"I found it, let you worry about it."

After hearing what he said, Neng Yanghui relaxed for a while, and he turned his eyes to the night.

At this time of the night, she was not as sleepy as before, and looked more energetic. It seemed that she had slept enough in the previous time.

Feeling Neng Yanghui's gaze at night, seeing that he hadn't averted his gaze, he raised his head to look at him.

The two looked at each other, and neither of them spoke.

Mr. Ray: Ye, he probably wanted to ask if you found the place.

Night: I know.

Night: But I don't want to say it.

Ye Ye: Besides, in today's game, one person is destined to sacrifice to heaven.

Mr. Ray:? !
Mr. Ray: How do you know...

He thought about it, and felt that it was a matter of course for her to know, who told her to be that person...

But after being watched by him for a long time, I felt a little uncomfortable, and finally said at night: "I found it."

Hearing what she said, although Neng Yanghui relaxed, he was still a little worried.But after thinking about it again, she is the big boss Ye in everyone's mouth, so it shouldn't be a problem for this kind of C+ game.So he dispelled his worries.

They sat in the hall in silence for a while, there was still some time before the game started, that is, at 12 o'clock, so they discussed other things.

Neng Yanghui said: "The hiding places are all in the room, everyone must hide well, and they can't answer even if they hear the system's voice."

Xia Qiao suddenly thought of something and said, "Then how do we know that the game is officially over and it's safe?"

He Hongye thought for a while and then said: "After the game is officially over, we will come out to find you if it is safe. You can come out after hearing my voice or his voice."

"Or we will go directly to your hiding place to find you. Remember, after the game officially starts, don't make any sounds or take any actions, because once you make any sounds or make any actions , the voice will make it hear."

After hearing this, Xia Qiao and Ke Wan nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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