Orange Blossom is a bit sweet

Chapter 9 009: Double Row?

Chapter 9 009 Duo?

If the idol hadn't become much more honest in order to manage his words and deeds, otherwise he would have personally brought his computer to Li Cheng's house and sat next to her to silence her.

When Li Cheng played on her various trumpets and opened the mic, people would accuse her of being a shemale with a voice changer, so it was safest when she couldn't speak. He couldn't miss this opportunity.

Anyway, as far as Li Cheng's daily performance is concerned, she usually doesn't care about talking in the dialog box while playing the game.

Girls are prone to this problem, that is, looking around and being too busy.

Unlike other boys, they can still talk coquettishly while playing games, just like typing.

[Orange Blossom Piggy] is Li Cheng’s game ID in Dianyi Ionia. The name also contains a lot of non-mainstream characters. This unrecognizable name is drowned in the sea of ​​​​people and is more popular than a stranger.

After queuing for 2 hours, Li Cheng has been paddling on the road. After a while, he was caught three times by his jungler father, and there was another round that was even worse. The top laner known as the king detector was scratched into pieces.

Normally at this time, she would type and beg the demon on the other side for her life, telling him that she was a girl.

This one died again and again and became patient again and again.

Ji Yingduo was taken aback by Li Cheng's quietness in the first round of double platoon. He couldn't help complaining about the opponent's laning, but she was silent from the beginning to the end, which was a bit scary.

It's kind of scary.

In the first game, a classmate of Orange chose the weakened version of the top laner hero Shen, which was enough to make him speechless, but the opponent's top laner didn't know what to think and actually picked an armored dragon turtle.

Anyway, Li Cheng's account is also Platinum tier 1, which can be regarded as a ladyboy among girls. The dragon turtle is too slow to open the Daqing line, and the early stage is simply weak, the kind that makes people doubt life.

However, Dragon Turtle is the hero with the thickest skin on the list. He is a master of physical melee combat. Li Cheng relied on his small hands to jump over the tower and beat Dragon Turtle to death three times before reaching level [-], and all three times were from others. Without running over to the line at all.

The most ridiculous thing was that the opponent's dragon turtle was whipped to death by Li Cheng. I don't know whether it was brain-stricken or paddling.

Ji Yingduo asked Li Cheng how he could jump over the tower?
【S^DAWN】:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Li Cheng answered very briefly: "Um, I forgot!"

She hadn't played for so long that she forgot about the tower.

She had to get familiar with it first. Her fingers were not very flexible due to her cloudy memory.

She suppressed all the vomits she wanted to vomit.

You have to know how she was able to get to the point where she forgot about the tower according to her normal experience and was actively improving her score in the last month... Then she habitually shifted her position, as if it was hard to change her nature.

Fortunately, I still have a bit of a demon, otherwise how would I explain to Ji Xiaoshuai?

After jumping the tower, she tried to retreat but couldn't. She was directly killed by the opponent's jungler, and first blood harvested her.

This is so normal, Ji Yingduo didn't speak.

In order to avoid revealing more, she decided to never say a word tonight.

After Li Cheng was quiet all night, she realized that playing games quietly was much better than when she was busy complaining.

She can even distract herself and look around the map to find out where the jungler is.

It's much more rewarding than when she was busy complaining.

Although Ji Yingduo wanted Li Cheng to keep paddling, but she didn't pick the mid laner hero, she had to pick the top laner hero, so she had to leave behind her bottom laners and squatted in the top lane to fight. wild.

The ADC that came together didn't know what was going on, and they got [Toast Spider] for three consecutive rounds. I can't go down.

Opposite there is a strong top laner and a normal jungler who can't cover up the water of this ADC. It must be a big boss.

It was the boss hitting the ADC that made him speechless.

At this time, qualifying is not a new rule, otherwise he and the opponent would not be able to wander in the ranking with a diamond 2 and a platinum tier 1.

If it was a substitute, he would report it.

It was such a strange night, all thanks to the even see-saw between the two parties who agreed to each other by default... From this perspective, it seems that the problem of ranking is not progressing is very reasonable.

From Ji Xiaoshuai's point of view, Li Cheng seemed to avoid him on purpose and went to the furthest top lane. Can this still be called a double row?
He is usually an ADC, and when he plays Li Cheng in duos, he is basically her mid laner, and it is easier to lead him as a jungler or ADC.

As soon as he appears, the other side will know that he is in a double row with his relatives and friends, and he is not short of money.

This is how Li Cheng's platinum rose.

She doesn't have a hero that she's good at, she's just a mid laner who's good at dealing damage with thick blood and no brains.

After one night, other members of the guild were a little suspicious that Ji Yingduo had randomly found a wild man in an online game to play for Li Cheng's account.

Although the person who was acting as a substitute was quite aggressive, Ji Xiaoshuai wasn't going to be so boring.

[Kevin]: I just said that it is impossible for an idol to row with you, because the control in their group is so strict.

Ji Yingduo really had the urge to slap himself. How could he have forgotten that the pig spirit baby Li Cheng has a hobby of tricking others? I lied to you!", walking in double row to avoid him all night.

He'll believe this guy when he sends out a little signal of goodwill, when will he grow enough memory?
Ji Yingduo was so angry that he lost his temper, so he sent Li Cheng a little message:…………

Li Cheng didn't know what Ji Yingduo's dots meant. Didn't she behave well tonight?

But she knew that a little bit was his reaction when he was so angry that he was desperate.

Li Cheng didn't know what he did wrong, so he asked stupidly, "What's wrong?"

【S^DAWN】: What did you say?If you don’t count me out, I won’t be you anymore. Only then did I realize that I was an idiot and slapped myself in the face.
[Orange Blossom Little Piggy]: It was you who said you wanted to lead me in a double row!I've worked very hard, okay! ! !I already told you that it’s up to me to lose your level... This doesn’t mean I didn’t let you, Master Xiao, lose your level! ! ! !

It is also a kind of happiness to maintain the title of Fudodun.

[Orange Blossom Piglet]: @-@, MD, I put snot paper on the table and didn't move it all night. My mother passed by the door of the room several times and almost hammered me to death!I didn't even have time to take the cough medicine, so I have to tiptoe to the kitchen later
【S^DAWN】: Can you blame me?

Li Cheng was almost suffocated without complaining all night, so he just complained and sent the news.

Ji Yingduo shuddered when he saw Master Xiao being called this. He had never seen Li Cheng call him that. Is she really in the game?
Ji Yingduo was so angry that his hands and feet were cold.

Before starting the game, she confirmed through the glass that the other party was sitting in front of the computer desk, where could she find someone to play for her?
The fly chasing her in the online game?Or relatives and friends from other unions?

Ji Yingduo was really about to explode. He felt that no matter how arrogant he was, he couldn't stand up to the other party's deep tricks. It's better not to guess, and just show it off, otherwise his teammates will give up if they ask him in the future.

【S^DAWN】: Tell me who you are?Are you there?If you don't make it clear, I will delete your account.

It's really a baby!

【S^DAWN】: What are you thinking of holding back all night without talking?What the hell are you trying to do on the road all night?Just explain it directly, I promise this is the last time I will endure you, I will endure you again!
No matter how smart Li Cheng is, she is 5 years older than the other party. When she slapped the table, she suddenly realized that it was no wonder Ji Yingduo was so angry. He thought he had found a substitute, and he was angry with him for the sake of angering him, instead of appearing as an idol. Invincible Xiaoshuaishuai Was slapped in the face.

[Orange Blossom Piglet]: Did your teammates say that you are looking for someone to boost your leveling instead of me?Let me tell you that I have one thing to say, it is true that I usually like to play tricks on you, but I will never let others go, when did you see that I hired someone to fight for me?I guard your Chinese cabbage to find someone else to drill?

 At the seedling stage of the new book, I hope that book friends will support Wuzheng a lot!

  Babies who have recommended tickets, please give some support~~(((o(*▽*)o)))

  According to the development of the plot, I will dabble in various online games~~

  Social online games, lol, eating chicken, etc., from the shallower to the deeper, even babies who have never played games can understand, there are manuscripts, so you can eat with confidence~~~


(End of this chapter)

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