Orange Blossom is a bit sweet

Chapter 52 51: Heh, I'll kill you

Chapter 52 Chapter 51
Ji Yingduo had sharp eyes. He first watched the assistant come from the river to die, and how could he let it go? He immediately called Teemo, who randomly came in, to pull out the tower on their bottom road.

The little murloc walked forward and muttered: "Vayne definitely didn't dodge. I did dodge when he dodged to kill me just now, but he pushed the push stick up, and the Q skill shifted and I was hit three times. Now he Kill Ah Xian first, there should be no big move in this meeting, hurry up!"

What the veteran Zhang Yiming didn't know was that the person who fired at the support was Xiaocha's Dark Daughter Anne, and Ji Yingduo just made up the knife when the support was left with blood, so the notification on the game interface showed that Wayne killed Lacus (auxiliary).

As the saying goes, a routine can only be used once, but this time, Lucy and the others were the only ones who missed Xiaocha's Annie.

It seems that Ji Yingduo killed the support on the opposite side, but in fact he just got stuck in a particularly good position and placed a tie A.

Bai Yu told Xiaocha to walk along the Dalongchi, stop when he said to stop, and don't move. Ji Yingduo will protect her in the dark, as long as she can lure the other side's assistant out.

Xiaocha blankly guided and assisted him to take the bait at a particularly obvious position.

The assistant in the battle was a Korean aid named Li Wenxian, who didn't know Chinese very well. He saw Xiaocha who was alone on the back of the big dragon pond. Of course he couldn't let go of this opportunity, so he went to kill him before rejoining his teammates. Little tea went.

Li Wenxian was killed when his sneak attack failed. This was because although Lux was a hero with long hands, she lacked movement. Once she used her ultimate move, she was easily caught. How could Vayne let her escape right under her nose?

Li Wenxian groaned. The mid laner sitting next to him saw him pinging his teammates in a panic. Drained, but before he had time to explain clearly, the jungler and the jungler on the opposite side had already encountered each other.

The jungler Wuxia was distracted, he interpreted the wailing from the support as an encounter between him and Wei En.

Although Xiaocha's Annie had residual blood, it was just right for the effect of her smoke bomb. She hurriedly dragged the blood strip that was almost lying dead, and ran back to the Dalongchi. Slowly pull the bloodline back.

After that, he joined the big dragon battle and set fire to the big dragon with Li Cheng.

Bai Yu had already separated the jungler and top laner from the front, allowing the top laner and mid laner to stand together. At this time, Ji Yingduo's Wayne suddenly appeared in front of the top laner.

As soon as Lucy's Gnar saw Ji Yingduo's Vayne appearing, he immediately shot a boomerang, but Vayne suddenly sprinted forward with his Q skill for a short distance when the boomerang sneaked up on him, and Gnar's boomerang really missed.

Ji Yingduo didn't mean to be stingy with the big move at all, and directly added the E skill and three times to take Gnar away.

Gnar, who didn't have meat suits or anger points, was taken away by Vayne at the speed of light.

"Five kills!"

Lucy was furious ヾ(≧O≦)〃 ah~: "Ball girl! Jungle! Why are you moving so slowly!"

The mid laner is obviously very powerful. Just when Lucy's Gnar encountered the enemy head-on and was overtaken by Vayne's displacement skill, Gnar's displacement did not move closer to the mid laner's position, and Syndra's E skill missed. up.

The shortcoming of Syndra is that the burst damage is high, and it can be the mainstay of output, but the shortcoming is that it does not have the flexibility of LeBlanc. Skills are seen through by opponents and avoided.

Wayne in Ji Yingduo's hand was swimming like a fish, and he used the CD-reducing equipment to speed up the cooling time of his Hextech belt, so he could easily avoid Syndra's big move.

Immediately afterwards, Wei En turned around and was dealing with the mid laner Syndra.

Ji Yingduo could not prevent Syndra's ult from linking up. He turned in [Dodge Assault] to avoid Syndra's Q skill, and then killed Syndra who had no ult three times in a row without using the R skill.

"Dominating! Dominating the game"

Vayne's W skill dodges and surprises has a damage bonus, plus passive and extra physical damage, Syndra's lack of flesh can't hold it at all.

The mid-single player in the battle directly threw the mouse out angrily: "I'll go! This hand speed!"

The hard work of the top laner and mid laner failed to get Wei En to hand over his R skill. It can be seen how accurate his predictions are, and his hand speed is super fast.

Syndra himself is as good as Gnar, and he was killed before his R skill was released.

The mid laner looked up to the sky and sighed speechlessly: "This Wei En's damage is too high! The economy! It's all because of lack of money!"

After Lucy's Gnar rushed to the street, she crossed her arms and watched Wei En's movement on the map coldly.

It is because she is too blindly confident, and lacks understanding of the damage of the hero Vayne. This hero is indeed the carry point of the audience when it is developed, and it can really take off if used well.

Compared with Vayne, the two APs, Snake Girl and Lux, chosen by my family, have insufficient firepower. This is because of their wrong distribution of firepower.

In fact, there is no big problem in choosing a hero. There are bans and picks in the professional arena. How can it be so easy to play together and win the game?

The point is that Wei En and the prince cooperated so perfectly, she didn't see through that the prince's leap forward was to disperse their firepower, and the jungler saw that the prince had formed a mindset that he wanted to kill the opponent's jungler first.

Tu Yang, the mid laner in the battle, was still mumbling: "Lucy, tell me who this AD is?!"

Lucy stared at the screen intently. She pinned her hopes on the jungler and her own AD to see if they could fight back.

When Wayne was fighting against Gnar, the little murloc in the jungle had already raised his gun [Sea God Trident] and rushed towards the prince, but was dodged by the prince's Q skill. He went straight to Linz's snake girl, the prince's ultimate It actually landed on Snake Girl.

How could Bai Yu's prince be singled out so easily?

Then Snake quickly counterattacked and directly activated the AOE skill.

Linz's operation and the overall situation are very good. Snake Girl's R skill can stun the enemy facing her, reduce the movement speed of the back facing, the skill can freeze the prince in front of her, and can prevent Wei En behind her. It can be said that It is very accurate to grasp the timing of the zoom-in move.

Bai Yu's prince was hit by the snake girl's stun, and then Linz attacked the prince with W skill, Bai Yu's prince was instantly knocked out of half of his health, and the jungler murloc also [Naughty Strike] jumped in front of the prince, and At the same time, the snake girl gave the prince a double cross.

The prince activated the W skill and handed in [Golden Holy Shield] to resist the damage.

The little murloc in the jungle saw that the prince's skills were basically handed in. With this amount of blood left, he would definitely be able to take away all the princes who had activated their ultimate moves and hadn't flashed. As a result, the summoner skills brought by the prince also included recovery healing. , and ate another blood pack, the prince healed himself at the moment of residual blood, and his blood returned to 30%.

After Bai Yu's prince lifted the dizziness, he immediately released the R skill on the snake girl. This big move was very precise, and there was no suspicion of haste. When the snake girl was hit by the attack, the displacement skill was obviously for nothing, and then she had to be blocked by a physical barrier. Restraint, Snake Girl had only one healing spell left and quickly handed it in.

Bai Yu knew that he couldn't take the snake girl away, so he immediately aimed his E skill at the little murloc.

This sudden turn of attack was actually in coordination with Ji Yingduo's Wayne, and the little murloc was already on the way to target Ji Yingduo's Wayne.

But the little murloc in the jungle had already handed in all his displacement skills when he picked the prince, and at this moment, the prince's E skill fell on him precisely and fixed him, just like standing still and being beaten.

This is a jungler whose prediction and awareness are as accurate as his. Zhang Yiming couldn't help being taken aback, feeling a sense of déjà vu.

Even if Wei En didn't flash, it was just right for Ji Yingduo to activate the R skill at this moment, and the little murlocs who didn't have the equipment were taken away by Wei En who turned on the big one without any discussion.

“god like! close to God”

Wei En and the prince's cooperation is so perfect that the junglers who are fighting are all admirable.

When Zhang Yiming rushed to the street, he sighed: "This kind of cooperation... really leaves me speechless..."

Vayne took the Murloc's ultimate move and her health bar dropped by half, but her Q skill also improved. The prince completed his final mission, draining the snake girl's blood bar, and then Vaien came up to touch up the damage.

"Legendary! Super God"

ACE, the enemy group is destroyed.

 It will be on the shelves soon~ Wuzheng can assure you here that there are no repeated plots and foreshadowing in this book, and the plot will be even more exciting after it is released!

  Many book clubs may leave after it is put on the shelves, but the first order score is really important!

  I sincerely hope that everyone who likes this book can give a first order, Wuzheng will be more motivated to code this work well, after all, this is related to the future of a work!

  Thank you book friends for your support!
  Bow (*^__^*)!


(End of this chapter)

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