Orange Blossom is a bit sweet

Chapter 485 Chapter 483: The World of Truth

Chapter 485 Chapter 483 The World of Truth

"The protoss are mischievous and troublesome, and they are also high-level demons. They can make all human beings fall into their reset time and space, and they can do things that make existing people disappear.

In the world of truth, the reward they gave Kim Min Kwon was to return his parents to him, not resurrect them.

In the reset time and space, Protoss has been erasing Kim Min Kwon's parents in order to make us more confused and prevent us from becoming observers.

Therefore, Master always believed that A Yu's parents had crossed directly from the missing world. "Ji Yingduo was patiently explaining to Li Cheng. Seeing the surprised and angry eyes, many emotions flashed in his heart.

The truth of re-projection and resurrection of the dead is limited to the reset time and space.

Without the infinitely reset time and space, this truth will no longer exist, and will disappear with the departure of the observers.

Powerful observers, like Master, can define some rules in the reset time and space, but they do not know that they have such a powerful ability in the early observation stage.

There are many unreasonable things in the reset world controlled by the protoss. In the world of truth outside the rebirth world, Kim Min Kwon's parents have always been alive.

Ji Yingduo didn't know if Li Cheng could understand his explanation, but at least she could accept the result.

Li Cheng was angry: "It seems that you are really favored by the protoss, because you are the only one who has nothing to lose!"

Ji Yingduo looked at her a little surprised: "Why are you angry with me? Do you think I am in cahoots with the protoss? Who said I have nothing to lose! Before you know it, I have lost you so many times. , that painful feeling still remains deep in my heart, and I often have nightmares about Ji Xiaotian, I have worked much harder than you!"

"Hey, yes, yes, you have worked hard, so what am I, a tool man?" Li Cheng sighed, and counted with his fingers, "I don't think it's right, if Ji Xiaotian, the reborn world controlled by the protoss, She can only grow up to 3 years old, so even if we are together now, she should be 5 years old, we were deceived by the protoss again, right?"

Ji Yingduo couldn't help but hit Li Cheng on the head with a knife in his hand. He hasn't been so irritable for a long time: "Even if you agree to be with me now, but I haven't reached the legal age of marriage, even if my master can define a part of the world of rebirth There are some rules, but now I can't fulfill the procedures. So it's the same in the world of rebirth, you can do the math again, right?"

Li Cheng still felt wrong: "Eh? Then even if we get married in 2020, Ji Xiaotian should be 5 years old!"

"2025 is not an interval but a jump time. The jump will be reset on January 2025, 1. Your math has been eaten by dogs?" Ji Yingduo didn't know where her brain circuit was wrong, but it was still wrong.


"Huh? Ji Xiaotian didn't have the 10-month pregnancy process. The process from birth to birth was completed in an instant. Did Ji Xiaotian pop out from the crack of the stone?
"Ji Yingduo didn't know that Li Cheng was so weak.

Li Cheng suddenly realized: "Oh... oh! That's right, why am I so stupid, hey, probably because my memory was cut off by the Protoss in February 2020, so I don't remember what happened afterwards."

"Even if he jumped out of the stone, Sun Wukong was pregnant in the colorful stone for 7000 years. Besides, I have not seen Ji Xiaotian's pregnancy process, and I am not sure whether she will really be in the truth. The world was born." Ji Yingduo wanted to test Li Cheng to see if she cared about Ji Xiaotian.

Li Cheng was surprised: "What? What should I do then!"

"So I negotiated terms with Protoss." Ji Yingduo deliberately pretended to be tricky.

"What condition?" Hope was rekindled in Li Cheng's eyes, "Say it quickly!"

"I ask the protoss to intercept and keep a short memory of you in the realm of rebirth. This small memory must at least include Ji Xiaotian's birth process in exchange..." At this time, Ji Yingduo stopped and took out a piece of memory from his coat pocket. A Faberge necklace inlaid with diamonds in platinum, holding a pink diamond ring in the hollow diamond eggshell, shining brightly under the light: "In exchange, I will replace Master as an observer. But now it seems that I was deceived by Protoss again, Protoss did not keep its promise, and just cut off your memory after February 2020."

"I..." Li Cheng really can't remember, so I really want to cry, "Then you mean that Ji Xiaotian will not be born in this world again? I'm going to fight with the stars! Don't stop me I!"

Ji Yingduo wiped Li Cheng's tears in a panic: "Don't cry! Your face should be chapped, listen to me, if you promise to marry me now, Ji Xiaotian will definitely be born."

"Really?" Li Cheng held the proud Easter Faberge diamond egg in both hands, and she didn't dare to look at the egg. When she thought of Ji Xiaotian's cute big eyes, her heart felt like burning. It's boiling.

She was afraid that all her hopes would be lost, that their little sweetheart would not hatch from the egg.

There is a dexterous mechanism on the back of the Faberge diamond egg. Ji Yingduo carefully peeled off the "eggshell", revealing a natural orange diamond worth 3000 pounds of Swiss francs inside: "You always think it is pink, but it is not completely pink. Yes, it will appear pink-orange under starlight, and it is the only pink-orange diamond with FL clarity in the world."

"Huh?" Li Cheng knew that this diamond was very expensive, but it was the first time he saw this diamond inlaid on the ring setting.

Ji Yingduo has experienced countless failed marriage proposals, wishing to erase all embarrassing and irresistible memories, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't forget Li Cheng's disappointed eyes when he repeatedly opened the golden treasure box.

This time, he must not fail.

Ji Yingduo solemnly took Li Cheng's left hand, and bent his body with half-curved legs. His figure was so elegant and upright that Li Cheng didn't dare to blink, for fear of missing any details: "Would you like to marry me?" Me?"

"Er... um... ah! Ah!" Li Cheng excitedly raised his hand and pulled the diamond necklace on the Fabergé diamond egg.

The ring box and the ring setting are carried into the snow at the same time in a parabolic motion.

Ji Yingduo actually used his ultra-fast reflex arc to catch two things at the same time, and hugged Li Cheng who was about to fall at the moment the ring fell to the ground, and the two were close to each other.

Although this kiss was too scary, the two of them laughed in a very tacit understanding.

Ji Yingduo pressed Li Cheng's head, and kissed her vigorously: "Why can't you even be well when you are proposed? I knocked my teeth!"

(End of this chapter)

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