Orange Blossom is a bit sweet

Chapter 46 045: Draw when you see the tower

Chapter 46 045
Ji Yingduo now completely remembered the vest account he had registered before: "Then I and Yu's wechat has also been registered! There is also a 'draw when you see the tower' and 'people are in the tower'."

Bai Yu nodded and replied that it was correct: "Xiao and I registered on wechat with the accounts 'Draw when you see the tower' and 'People are in the tower'. You can search to see if these two accounts are still there."

Li Cheng quickly searched with Wings-Misa's account, and sure enough, there was: "Yes, yes, I added friends, so it's settled, use these accounts, what account does Xiaocha use?

She should use my Wings-Misa account to log in. Anyway, my Wins-Misa can also be used. Platinum can also lead people to fight against machines, right? "

Ji Yingduo thinks it should be able to: "Send the password of your large account, I will go up and try it first, and give Xiaocha Yongyu the 'people in the tower', so you don't need to send your account number and password to Xiaocha.

Now 90% of WZRY's mobile platinum qualifying matches are man-machines, so if you bring a small tea, you can just choose the novice difficulty."

Li Cheng knew that Ji Yingduo must have disliked a hero in the trumpet and it would be difficult to use it, but after thinking about it, he thought that Ji Yingduo could log in to his own account, so wouldn't it be better for Xiaocha to use his brother's account?

Bai Yu saw that Ji Yingduo had recharged the account [Show me the tower], and before he had time to dissuade him, Ji Yingduo had already completed the recharge quickly: "Hey, what a young master."

Ji Yingduo blinked: "I use the big account of Pig Demon because there are so many heroes on her account, and wouldn't it be better for Xiaocha to log in with your small account?

You can just use my 'draw when you see a tower', I just want to buy two useful jungle heroes to try out, anyway, I still have use for this account. "

Bai Yu had no choice but to agree.

Li Cheng said three good things in a row: "Xiaocha is here, you guys have a word with her. But I'm going to make an appointment, when did the name on my account become 'allergic to tower'?!
The name is too weird!It looks like a bean at first glance, okay?
Ji Xiaoshuai, when did you change it?Why do I have no impression at all? "

Ji Yingduo clearly remembered that she made the name herself: "You clearly set the name yourself, don't you remember it? I have never used your account that is allergic to towers, and your 'soy sauce' ID is also The name was given under your instruction."

Li Cheng was very speechless.

It seems that I have a little impression that one time Ji Yingduo pulled her to laning and made her vomit. Since then, she has been playing jungle for more than half a year, and she can't go to the road to laning.

You must know that a team's winning or losing is actually entirely tied to the jungler. If the jungler's awareness is very good, then the team can turn headwinds by following the jungler's rhythm.

The nickname of Orange Blossom Pig came from that time, because she likes to use the pig girl Sejuani to wander in the wild area. When she is in the lane, she is very nervous when she encounters a master, but when she meets a master in the jungle, she can be 1 against 3 , her cowardice has something to do with Ji Yingduo's repeated whipping of her.

Ji Yingduo used Li Cheng's Wings-Misa to set up a team, and pulled "allergic to the tower", "smoke when you see the tower", and "people are in the tower" into a team.

Li Cheng watched Ji Yingduo choose the man-machine mode, and agreed: "There are only four of us, is the other random?"

Ji Yingduo thinks there is no problem with random: "Then random, don't you have a spare account? If you have, you should quickly turn on the phone and hang up, I have to queue up."

Li Cheng: "No, just 'allergic to the tower' a trumpet. Let's shoot."

"The three of you can be as crazy as you want, just don't give away your head." Although Ji Yingduo disagreed with Li Cheng's crazy jungle method, but because she was a good jungler, she turned a blind eye one eye.

After Bai Yu opened the client and logged in with Ji Yingduo's account, he was dragged into the man-machine queue before he had time to buy a hero. Soon the man-machine queue got together and one person was cut into the hero option.

Ji Yingduo glanced at Li Cheng's hero pool, and chose a brilliant girl, Lacus.

Comrades who are allergic to towers immediately showed an unhappy expression when they saw Ji Yingduo robbing her favorite hero: "Ji Xiaoshuai! Why are you robbing my Lux! Aren't you an ADC!"

Ji Yingduo almost blurted out that I chose this hero because of the good-looking skin of the Lacus you bought, but his hands were quicker than his brains, and he immediately changed to a cold ice: "Okay, let Lacus go for you."

As a result, as soon as Ji Yingduo gave Lacus out to Li Cheng, he was snatched away by passers-by who lined up outside the line.

Li Cheng sighed: "Oh! It's annoying! I was robbed by someone. Well, I don't need Lux ​​this time. I will carry Master Yi and go on the road. You can spend time with passers-by assistants. I will use Yi By the way, the master can also walk in the middle to bring Xiaocha happy."

Ji Yingduo felt very speechless: "It's your slow hand that didn't grab Lacus, can you blame me for that!"

Li Cheng: "...uh..."

Xiaocha's hero selection is so slow, the whole team has chosen a hero and is waiting for her the rest of the time.

In fact, she didn't know what LOL was at all, she didn't know what runes were, and she didn't know what summoner skills were. Bai Yu told her to look at the picture he sent in the chat box, and just follow the picture to find the hero he was referring to.

Xiaocha was a bit delayed. The first time she chose a hero, she was stuck. As a result, the team was disbanded. When she formed a random team for the second time, it took another 40 seconds to find the hero.

Li Cheng was a little anxious for Xiaocha: "Oh, it's alright! Don't ask too much for novices! Don't order runes or anything!
I know that you are professional players with many faults and faults, but what does it matter if you don't have rune talent or summoner skills?Anyway, you two are here! "


Bai Yu also wanted to let her easily adapt to the novice tutorial before the man-machine team, but his idea was suppressed by Ji Yingduo.

Li Cheng said through the audio on Ji Yingduo's desktop: "Brother Xiaoyu, I don't think it doesn't matter if there is a tutorial for beginners. I just want to get on the road. You can just walk with Xiaocha on the road after a while, anyway. I just want to play with you, so let me accompany her in the middle lane."

Bai Yuen said, "Okay."

While waiting for Xiaocha to choose a hero, Ji Yingduo glanced at WingsMisa's hero pool, and complained very speechlessly: "Pig demon, why is your hero pool full of crispy supports?! Do you also save the skin of the fairy Qin Se?"

Li Cheng felt like being secretly peeped: "What's wrong! Fairy Qin Se is so beautiful! There are indeed many heroes who are born with deficiencies, but I am not allowed to buy only official skins!"

"I'll go, what did you buy Riven's skin for? It's so ugly...

Um, and Vayne, God, have you ever used this hero? "Ji Yingduo put down the ice shooter and took a random sweep from the hero pool.

Li Cheng rolled his eyes deeply: "It's never used, I can't enjoy it with my own solo, can't I! Do you care?"

Ji Yingduo didn't expect Li Cheng to be so weird: "Hehe, I just take care of everything, I don't care who cares about you? Look at your skin, you are a prodigal!

I decided to save Vayne and this epic skin that you never got to play. "

Ji Yingduo chose Wei En by chance.

He also asked why Li Cheng’s hero pool is so shallow. It turns out that she only buys female heroes in LOL, and she doesn’t buy the ones that are not good-looking or cute. She has already saved up all the Teemo skins, which shows that this person is playing How childish the game is.

Not only that, as long as she has a good-looking skin, no matter how expensive it is, she buys it, and the frequency of use is extremely low.

No wonder she didn't change to other heroes except for those heroes whose versions were weakened a few days ago when she was brought to the top. I dare to say that there is no other useful hero in her hero pool.

Ji Yingduo shook his head vigorously: "Did you buy the hands you used for soloing with me last night?"

"Yeah, what's the matter? Can't it work? What's wrong with my mentality as a primary school student?" Li Cheng said confidently.

In LOL, Wei En is a well-deserved TOP3 player in the difficulty of getting started. For a player of Li Cheng's level, let alone proficient, the summoner level is still at 0, which means it is too difficult to use, which means that he has never used it.

Heroes like Noshou and Galen are very suitable for novices and are simple and easy to understand.

Mage mid laners like Syndra and LeBlanc are much more difficult to use than Nuoshou and Galen. Not only do they need to calculate mana consumption, but also calculate cooldown time.

Li Cheng’s hero pool doesn’t even have a permanent free Galen. The Galen given in the novice gift bag was broken by her and replaced with essence to buy other heroes, so her account really can’t be used by Xiaocha. There are no free heroes in this high-end account.

Having said that, Wei En, as one of the non-BAN mandatory ADs, has always been known as the first sister of AD.

Wayne is also really difficult to use.

Short hands in fighting and early disadvantages, these two combined are very fatal shortcomings for a professional player, so it is a rule for Wei En to be caught by the wild on the road, and most professional players are rarely able to play Wei En well, water friends People's evaluation of Wei En is also polarized. If you play well, you can show off to the sky, but if you play badly, you will be turned into mud.

Those who use this hero in the real professional arena either have a strong heart or a thick skin. Not to mention that Li Cheng has never played this hero, even Ji Yingduo dare not say how much he knows Wei En as a hero.

Although he has trained Wei En to be proficient, he is still far from the standard of a master. It is precisely because this hero is his shortcoming, so he has to pay close attention to getting familiar with it when he is not in training time. easy thing.

Li Cheng folded his arms and waited for the game to load, and by the way, he glanced at the ID of the passer-by. Good guy, the name of this player who randomly entered the group seems to be an appointment with them. This person is called 'Renta Heyi'.

Ji Yingduo also noticed it when he saw the loading list, and complained by the way: "Hey, Liehai, is [Human Tower Unity] one of your trumpets?"

Bai Yu and Li Cheng replied in unison: "No."

 Today is a big chapter~ Entering a dense LOL plot!
  Hee hee, thank you book friends for your recommendation tickets!
  Thank you book friends for catching insects!

  Bow (*^__^*)

(End of this chapter)

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