Orange Blossom is a bit sweet

395 Chapter 393: A lot of doubts

Chapter 395 Chapter 393 Many Doubts

After everyone calmly reviewed and carefully considered the advantages and disadvantages of the dual-auxiliary strategy, Lin Jianan felt that it was too difficult for him to transform.

Lin Jianan spread his hands and expressed that he couldn't do it: "I can't understand how to mention the things I learned... At first glance, it looks like a completely random move, but in fact it comes from his personality. If I can learn this, unless I become like him .”

Fu Kun almost immediately thought of Zuo Wei's A-star: "Should we ask our authoritative technical consultant to come out and let A-star simulate White's operation?"

No matter how difficult Wang Yuchen's online positioning method is, the law of motion can always be found through computer graphics simulation.

Chang Feng felt shuddering: "No! Old Hei, do you want to accelerate the demise of LOL sports? This risk is even greater than the risk of letting DT directly use double-support tactics to enter the World Championship! We still have more than half a year of trial and error After all, there is more than one auxiliary tank hero, double auxiliary tactics can be more refined, there is still room for change in these things, but you can’t invite Zuo Wei! If you invite her, it’s over! This game is over! ! That’s the way out!”

Coach Chang Feng's expression was almost that of begging Lao Hei on his knees.

Dong Mingyang nodded vigorously in agreement with the coach: "Boss Chang is right! If she wants to come, I will show you to death! There is definitely her without me, me without her."

Dong Mingyang said that his aunt was like an enemy, but in fact she was far from that scary.

But it's fine if you don't hide from Miejue Shitai, and even take the initiative to provoke him, that's a lot of courage.

Fu Kun was frozen there, not knowing what to do.

The coach called Li Cheng and asked her to come back: "Misa, please come back, our replay is stuck here, about the double-assist tactics."

Li Cheng: "Oh, okay, I'll be right away."

Li Cheng dropped the mouse in his hand, quickly stood up from the gaming chair of Archmage Channing, said hello and left quickly.


"At the end of the day, everyone needs to learn White's laning technique, otherwise SWB's top laner will use the auxiliary tank to play the top laner position just like Yang Yang."

"It's not enough for everyone to learn it. How dare you expect all the lines to have line rights when you play against the SWB team?"

"It would be great if it was as easy to play in the final as it was tonight."

"I look at the data, it's a catfish effect."

"It's not necessarily the catfish effect. I think it's because the replacement players can get enough rest, so the state is better than playing continuously."

"I very much agree with Xiaoyuan's idea. The BO5 game especially needs rest time. If there is no rest, then it is impossible to talk about finding an advantage from the state."

"So replacement players are also very important. Is Misa back?"

"If after a round of testing it's really like what Misa said, you can only communicate from heart to heart, then I really don't know how long it will take to practice."

"Xiaoyuan, your thinking is too simple, and there is still a possibility that you won't be able to practice!" Fu Kun was worrying. He had been worrying about this since half a month ago. He originally thought that a player as talented as Li Xiao would definitely be able to Crash, only to get a negative answer from Misa.

At this time, Li Cheng just opened the door of the conference room on the first floor and came in. He heard everyone discussing the practice match tonight.

After Li Cheng came back from the base SC team training camp, she found that everyone was staring at her.

Chang Feng saw Li Cheng come in and said the key points directly. He thought of letting Ji Yingduo learn this kind of threading skills first: "Put hope on Li Xiao?"

Fu Kun was shaking his head: "That's what I thought a few days ago, didn't you hear what Misa said just now, even if it is dawn, it needs at least one year of practice."

Chang Feng thinks that this little girl loves to exaggerate in her movies: "Not really, she is the kind of child who loves to exaggerate the facts."

Especially Ji Yingduo, who kept staring at her.

Li Cheng immediately understood where everyone was stuck: "Now it doesn't necessarily take half a year to practice. The example I gave is that when Daybreak was not experienced enough, he had already participated in various competitions many times and won trophies. If you get it softly, it may be different from the time when you were a kid."

"Who is Xiaobaicai?" Ji Yingduo couldn't bear the fact that Li Cheng added a new nickname to him.

Chang Feng also felt that it was not that difficult: "Well, at dawn, you will focus on learning White's line-leading skills for a period of time. You are the most talented player in the LOL arena now. If you can't learn it, then give up on double Auxiliary tactics."

Bai Yu raised his hand to express his disapproval: "Brother Chang, White is not our team's consultant. Whether he is willing to teach these is still a question."

"That's right." At this time, Lin Jianan proposed an idea that none of them dared to think about: "White hasn't spoken yet, maybe he has a simple way to teach everyone."

Pirlo is spreading his hands: "I never accept apprentices, because accepting apprentices is something that only dying people do when they are dying."

Li Cheng suddenly remembered that Wang Yuchen had said the same thing to reject Su Tong, but at that time Su Tong unilaterally did not understand Wang Yuchen, and at the same time thought that Wang Yuchen was still in good health.

Wang Yuchen only has albinism, which causes a lack of melanin in the body, but albinism is a problem that cannot be solved at the genetic level. As long as you don't expose yourself to the sun, you can't die.

She didn't know why he accepted Ji Yingduo as his apprentice back then.

Pirlo turned around on the chair and said, "This kind of thing is like music, it can only be felt, not expressed."

Li Cheng also showed embarrassment: "Look, I know."

Lin Jianan understands the reason why this kind of master is unwilling to teach people, because it is too troublesome and not beneficial to bring apprentices: "Then let White become the substitute jungler of the DT team, and play as a replacement in the summer split, so that he can participate in the World Championship It's a race!"

"!" Fu Kun.

"Yeah! What a good idea!" Chang Feng.

This is something Fu Kun dared not even think about: "Jianan, this is impossible!"

Chang Feng didn't know Pirlo well, so he thought he could give it a try: "Don't talk too much, there must be a brave man under a heavy reward. This person is very interested in the game, why don't you invite him to join the team? Who Is it hard to live with money? And if we can change hands after each 50-minute game, then our winning rate will increase immediately, just look at how good Yangyang and Xiaoyuan are in the second game!"

Fu Kun was going crazy, and rested his forehead anxiously: "He can understand Chinese!"

"Ah?" Chang Feng was a little embarrassed, he thought he didn't understand.

Lin Jianan: "..."

However, because of the lack of understanding of Pirlo, the head coach really said such things in front of other super bosses. He bluntly invited Pirlo to join the DT team as a replacement player, and said that he would have a generous salary. .

(End of this chapter)

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