Orange Blossom is a bit sweet

Chapter 390 388: Your uncle is vegetarian

Chapter 390 388 Your Uncle Is Vegetarian
Fu Kun immediately left the monitoring room and went to talk to Lin Jianan.

Lin Jianan, the jungler, is a veritable jungler who wants to be a carry. Although he is a good guy in the jungle, there is absolutely no way to help the line owners increase their economy online.

Gao Le looked at Su Tong's spout and laughed: "Hahahahahahahahahahaha..."

Dong Mingyang patted Gao Le on the back: "I think you're going to die from smoking, so stop reading jokes here. Could it be that you're going to play MSI tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?"

Gao Le immediately shut up and shut up.

Bai Yu stared at the screen in a daze for a while, then suddenly said: "Actually, I think Su Tong has a good temper."

It was Ji Yingduo, and a large number of Tsundere shoppers came. I don't know that it will take a few days of cold war to give each other a step down.

Ji Yingduo also knew that Bai Yu meant something, and he rolled his eyes: "Didn't you hear how Su Tong was described in the KPL arena? He was called an 'indifferent tyrant'. I never said I would not listen to your opinion."

Ji Yingduo respected Bai Yu from the bottom of his heart, and he would habitually refer to Bai Yu's opinions at almost any time, and the two of them played together "unparalleled".

Bai Yu was also very wronged: "Why don't you say that I often accommodate you?"

Well, Li Cheng felt that he had started the most dangerous topic, which was how to get along with friends.

At this juncture when the MSI finals are about to come, she pissed off the two most important friends on the field, and she was in a state of inadvertence.

Li Cheng hurriedly stood up and stood between Bai Yu and Ji Yingduo: "Okay, okay, stop first, let's not discuss the problems in the glory of the king, because there is no need to consider whether the jungler eats the blood bag in the middle, we are in the LOL arena superior!"

The two looked up at Li Cheng at the same time, both with speechless expressions.

It was Ji Yingduo who spoke first: "So, shouldn't friends just accommodate each other?"

Li Cheng's heart skipped a beat: "Then I'd better shut up."

How sour Ji Yingduo's personality is, Li Cheng knows best in his heart, Bai Yu always gives way to him, and rarely when he gives way to Bai Yu, if she wants to interrupt, the two of them will quarrel again.

Li Cheng came down the stairs on the first floor dismally, and met the eyes of Su Yuan and Dong Mingyang head-on.

Dong Mingyang gave Li Cheng a high five: "Good job Misa! Leave it to us!"

Li Cheng took Dong Mingyang's hand thoughtfully: "Come on! I'm taking a rest. My hands are cramped because I'm really tired today."

Fu Kun held Lin Jianan back and chatted with him earnestly, looking very serious, Li Cheng didn't dare to approach, lest Lin Jianan would feel even more embarrassing.

At the beginning of the second round of BO3, Lin Jianan was locked behind the surveillance camera on the first floor to observe the entire game.

Pirlo's White account got into the jungle position, and then DT drew the blue side, and the BP configuration was exactly the same as last time. Their purpose was to let Lin Jianan know more about Pirlo's Wayne in the jungle position. How does it work.

The SWB team that drew the purple side adjusted the BP. There were no Draven, LeBlanc, and Tamm in the Ban position, but the poodle, Camille, and Grasshopper were banned.

SWB's picks are also normal, all of which are non-ban must-choice A-type heroes, such as top laner Dazui, mid laner Jie, AD Delevingne, support bullhead chieftain, and jungler Prince Demacia.

Dong Mingyang is also the first time to use the Valoran Shield as a top laner. After learning from Pirlo that the top laner is to make up the knife without other distracting thoughts, he is much more stable than before: "I will develop it first. If the last hit is less than 100, I guess Lao Hei will let me pack up and go home!"

Su Yuan smiled almost softly: "I'm thinking about how Wei En will play in the jungle position, this hero is a little crispy in the early stage."

After the first set of experiments, Ji Yingduo found that "Shizu" is a vegetarian jungler: "He won't leave the center line, don't worry about gank, and squeak when he wants a buff."

"?" When Su Yuan thought that the top laner and the jungler would go to grab the red and blue buffs, unexpectedly neither of them went.

Dong Mingyang, in particular, didn't go to grab the red, but honestly inserted his eyes, waiting for the soldiers to come. He thought Dong Mingyang was preparing to "melon skin" again.

When Tariq, who was about to grab Dong Mingyang to death with his big mouth on the road, failed to catch him and lost some soldiers in one teleportation, Dong Mingyang really admired Wang Yuchen's opinion on the road.

Don't leave the pawn line before economically suppressing the opponent, and don't waste time to gank, unless you can gank and withdraw troops at the same time, and then the number of last hits is not bad.

You can't die or teleport.

Before that, Dong Mingyang thought that he would be attacked in this way, but after the economy got up, he realized how cool it was to press the knife in the first 10 minutes. Soon Dong Mingyang's economy picked up.

Dong Mingyang yelled while buying equipment: "I'm going! Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately! This big mouth...hasn't reacted yet."

He even took out the opponent's flash first.

Ji Yingduo glanced briefly: "That's because the opponent Dazui thought you were going to chase after him habitually and jump over the tower to kill a wave. You suddenly changed your tactics, which made the opponent a little flustered."

Bai Yu wondered if they had such refreshing hair just to welcome the "Master Zu": "The carnivorous top laner suddenly changed."

"That's right, even the jungler has become a vegetarian, and they were all in a daze for a while." Ji Yingduo boldly used White as the jungler, and Park Tae-cheol was puzzled in the second battle.

Jin Minquan is very shrewd and careful with the line, but he can't stand the opposite Wei En living in the middle: "Taizhe, help me kite Wei En, Wei En is crispy in the early stage, you must press him to fight!"

Park Tae-cheol came back from the wild area helplessly: "Isn't this just like being led by the nose by them? Could it be that from today onwards, all tactics will be omitted and you will just live in the middle?"

Doesn't matter in the wild? Don't even need buffs?

What's the reason for this? He didn't believe that Wei En couldn't be killed.

The fight started at level 3 in the middle lane. Su Yuan's shield of the Goddess of Dawn resisted the damage of the two pincer attacks. He would rather lose blood than let Wei En die, but the result was completely opposite. Wei En was helping him attract firepower.

Pirlo realized: "You can continue to withdraw troops, don't worry about gank."

Wayne played Dolan's Shield in the jungle position, because the early stage was relatively fragile, so his skill of extreme turning in the middle lane just now was staged again.

"first drop of blood"

He killed Park Tae-cheol's Demacia prince.

"Second kill!"

Dodging Jin Min Kwon's E skill, as if he didn't spare money at all, he drank the potion and padded the knife.

Su Yuan simply felt that it couldn't be too cool: "I killed Matt! Hahahaha, it's so cool! Ever since I was born! Ever since I was alive!"

(End of this chapter)

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