Orange Blossom is a bit sweet

Chapter 387 385: 1 Generation Grandmaster

Chapter 387 Chapter 385 Grand Master

Ji Yingduo has already figured out Kalista's way of leveling A through his talent, and also knows how to hook him before the opponent's critical strike, but that also needs to be gank to eliminate interference factors.

His Kalista hooks and leads the line of troops at the same time because the passive must be triggered during gank. Once the passive is triggered, it is more convenient for Kalista to swing, and then Bai Yu will immediately target the opponent's support. Kill all the opponents, single kill first, and make up the second, so that he and Bai Yu will frantically clear the line.

That's a waste of part of the economy.

Before Li Cheng explained the experience of pushing the line, Ji Yingduo always firmly believed that these scattered coins had to be wasted. .

This method of cutting people's lives first and then replenishing soldiers is basically used by all ADs now.

All teams depend on the number of kills, and they must look at the top lane.

But now he actually knows that there is someone who can not lose a dime in the middle lane, and can crush the opponent for 10 knives in 20 minutes without killing people. The person who suppressed is Jin Minquan.

This is so awesome that it cannot be described by 66666.

It is because Wang Yuchen's method of replenishing troops is different.

He is the only one who can gank and replenish soldiers at the same time no matter what hero is used in the arena, and can use pawn lines to consume your health, use pawn lines to affect the opponent's position, and even use pawn lines to increase his own damage to opponents , People who really use the line of soldiers as mobs.

Ji Yingduo's Kalista's replenishment method of leveling A and E is the only hero he can gank and replenish troops at the same time. In fact, this method of replenishment is not only applicable to Kalista, the line triggers passively to deal real damage It is very important for MOBA games.

[MOBA] refers to Multiplayer online battle arena, which means multiplayer online tactical arena game.

Li Cheng once remembered the world famous saying of his ancestors: "Wang Yuchen said that the most important thing in moba games is not gank, but the understanding of pawn lines."

"Eh?" Su Yuan was a little surprised.

Fu Kun heard this sentence in the surveillance camera and took a deep breath.

This sentence is limited to the deepest experience of the people who came out of the SC battle pit. Children like them who came up from the LOL youth training camp can't understand it at all. They like to shake people on the field. The higher the single kill record, I thought it was stronger, but it wasn't.

Su Yuan still needs to improve in the economic operation of the middle road.He turned around and glanced at the head coach, and by the way, looked at Dong Mingyang, who was as quiet as a cat. They were all digesting the words carefully: "Yangyang's last hits were suppressed by Wei En by about 30 dollars. It's unbelievable!"

For the first time, Dong Mingyang learned that people should not be judged by their appearance. Every mountain is higher than the other. He was very complacent in the top lane and pressed the knife, which was not worth mentioning in front of White.

"The line with no one involved is the simplest. Once there is someone, the skill of leading the line is already a tactic, so he negates all understanding of the hero's style of play.

The individual characteristics of heroes such as gank, single kill, and team battle are all suppressed to the greatest extent.

Because in laning games, the hero's role is to lead the line.

The rest of the research on the hero's passivity, the hero's single-kill ability, etc., are all things to think about in his spare time after laying out the line of soldiers. In his eyes, they are all scraps.

Too many people are misled by the MVP and the head economy, but few people care about the coordination between the minion line and the hero. He thinks that it is a waste of time for the top laner to ask the jungler to kill people. The biggest role of the top laner position is to make up damage. "Li Cheng didn't know how Wang Yuchen made the opponent unable to make up a single pawn in the lane, but she knew very well the style of her master.

Bai Yu couldn't help but looked sideways at Li Cheng: "Then the Futan hero's top order is also related to the pawn line?"

"Yes, because the top laner hero is suppressed, the team's economy will be lost, and because the pawn line is too long, a wave of pawn lines will be wasted by teleporting once.

It is best for the top laner not to teleport once and wait until there is a team battle before teleporting.

So Pirlo was in the top lane position just now, and even a single TP was useless. His number of knife pressures was particularly convincing.

Before he made a move, I just said that someone can do it, and you wouldn't believe it, would you? $10 for 129 minutes. "Li Cheng knows the strength of the players in his team, and if you tell them that they have operational skills that surpass the current technical supremacy of the military line, they will just think that Li Cheng is talking nonsense.

Dong Mingyang is especially of this type. His mouth has grown into a shape of O, and a lot of complaints in his stomach were all repelled at this moment: "..."

If Bai Yu hadn't seen such data flow with his own eyes, he would not have believed it: "Indeed. The world record is 10 dollars in 110 minutes, and his 129 dollars will make everyone's first reaction is that there is a bug."

"Brother Xiaoyu, you believe that data will be confused by data.

This reminds me one of the points, don't use AOE skills to clear the line when you are on the top lane, it is stupid to use AOE skills to clear the line, you can only use it when you are in a team.

And the jungler, Jianan, you have to remember that if you integrate the benefits of all minion lines into the level, the result will be clear at a glance.

Every time you press 20 knives to make up soldiers, it is equivalent to killing the opponent once, and if you kill the opponent solo, you have no resources when you die. "Li Cheng remembered what some trolls said on the barrage, about the issue that the top laner must need jungler support.

A foreign aid fan and data analyst put it this way: Is there any use for a few extra dollars in the top order?The opponent's jungler will definitely come to catch it, so just wait for the jungler to come through smoothly, there is really a gap, open an AOE skill for full seconds.

Bai Yu feels that if Wang Yuchen has really been playing jungle for many years, his understanding of the jungle position must be different from all junglers today: "Then he must be the most special jungler in the game."

"King Yin, the Yin I'm talking about is not an addictive addiction, but an invisible Yin. He never catches the top laner or the bottom lane, but is the king of last hits in the jungle.

In terms of the current trend, it is a dog. "

If she simply considered how the top laner Wang Yuchen used to press the knife, she couldn't figure out this almost abnormal ability.

Wang Yuchen basically does not rely on soldiers to hit people in the later stage of development, but he still likes to press the sword wildly. In his opinion, as soon as the equipment comes up, the seconds are almost instant.

In the team battle in the middle, Pirlo was almost in 1V4 with the highest equipment level.

Jin Minquan didn't dare to turn around with him head-on, because this person's economy is too high, throwing a skill and hitting him can knock out half a tube of blood, so his support has already moved from the bottom lane to the middle lane, and he is ready for both. Hit it.

Ji Yingduo hooked Bai Yu's Bron, pulled him back to a safe range, and then wanted Laveren to enter the tower: "I haven't made a decent push in the arena for many years."

(End of this chapter)

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